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Here's another amazing author!

Everybody say hi to Karmjeetanimefan!!

*as you can probably tell by now, there's something really wrong with the spacing. idk what happened to it, it just got all screwed up:(


Hi Karmjeetanimefan! What's your real name? 

My real name is Karmjeet

How old are you? 

Im going to turn 16 in November

Don't worry, I won't stalk you but, where do you live?

Canada, Ontario

What's your favourite book that you've written?

My favorite book has to be  I Wanna Live

Are you currently working on anything new? If so, got any spoilers for us?

Yeah i was thinknig of making another fanfiction and a mermaid story but im going to wait to finish the other stories before i post a new one

What inspired you to start writing?

 It was one of my friends she told me that she loves hearing my stories and i should write them down for others to read 

Who's your favorite author and what do you like about them?

Hmm this is a hard one well I love many authors outside wattpad and on wattpad

Favorite Book?


Do you base characters on people in real life?

 I havent done so yet

Where do you like to read books?

on my comfy couch and sometimes in bed

If you could be anybody in a book, who would you be?

someone that is strong and loving and who can take care of/protect their family from danger

Okay, enough about books. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

I haven't done anything so far to say that its my greatest accomplishment  

Do you have any pet peeves?

when people eat with their mouths open...when people yell in my ear....

What are your greatest fears?


What are your greatest qualities as a person?

Well my family says im loud and very lazy while my friends say im talkative and nice

What's your favorite color?

lilac, black, blue

What's a hobby you have?

singing, writing, drawing,

What's one thing you like most about yourself?

hmmm i guess i like how im caring for everyone i take their feeling into consideration

What are your flaws?

im insecure when i meet new people i always think they are judging me

What is your favorite TV show(s)?

Too many to Choose from...NARUTO

What advice do you give to people who are writers?

All writers shouldn't try and make the readers happy they should write what they love anyway

BONUS QUESTION: What is your dream car?

i don't have a dream car im not a person that goes into the car thing.

Okay, well that sums up the end of our interview, so bye Karmjeetanimefan thanks!


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