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Another author for you guys! JustListen4eva


Hi JustListen4eva! What's your real name? 


How old are you? 

14 turning 15 this month! (^O^)

Don't worry, I won't stalk you but, where do you live?


What's your favourite book that you've written?

umm I think my favorite one so far is the first one I wrote and still am writing. Its called This is just the beginning...

Are you currently working on anything new?  If so, got any spoilers for us?

well anything new i think o i automatically post on my page so i guess it don't become new anymore and no spoilers sorry!

What inspired you to start writing? 

I guess I've always have loved making up my own stories but never actually wrote then down but, like I said before, when I read Julia Golding's Companion Quartet series I feel in love with books and the idea of writing my own. After that I started planing my own books but never actually wrote them until a friend of mine showed me wattpad and I stated then! There are also many other different things that inspired me to write. Like even my brothers anime's made me want to write cuz they would give me ideas!

Who's your favorite author and what do you like about them? 

Do you really expect me to sum it down to one?? I have so many! A few would be Sarah Dessen ( Her books are the definition of amazing! they are writen amazingly and the actual story line is fantastice. The way she explores the ideas of life and living in her books is probably one if the main reasons why I like her); another would be P.C Cast and her daughter Kristin Cast ( there vampire/romance novels are the BEST! I would pick these over twilight any day!) and another one would be Julia Golding (Her books were the ones that got me to love reading in the first place and made me want to start writing my own books!) and there are many more! But I'm not going to bore you with a long list!

Favorite Book?

Another one I have to sum down... um I've got to say it would Just Listen by Sarah Dessen but there are others that I love like This lullaby, blood ties, fly away, Pegasus and the fight for Olympus, all the books in the companion quartet series and many more!

Do you base characters on people in real life? 

umm at times they are based on real life but i'm not saying which ones are and which ones are not.

Where do you like to read books? 

There are many places were I like to read books like in front of the fire or in my room ( were i do a lot cuz its one of the only places were I have privacy!)

If you could be anybody in a book, who would you be? 

If I could be anybody in a book... I think it depends on which book your talking about. Maybe the lead female who kicks everyone beh

Okay, enough about books. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

my greatest accomplishment has yet to happen

Do you have any pet peeves?

my pet peeve has to be fakeness (is that even a word??) i just absolutly hate it

What are your greatest fears? 

My biggest fear is being broken

What are your greatest qualities as a person? 

That I do not know how to answer :P but according to my best friend it would be that I would help someone even if my own life was at stack doing it ( I think she just over exaggerated there)

What's your favorite color? 

I like black cuz it goes with everything and helps me fade into the shadows.

What's a hobby you have? 

My hobbies are... writing both songs and books, reading, drawing, painting and practicing my evil glare!

What's one thing you like most about yourself? 

One thing I like about my self is... I seriously dont know that going to need some long thinking time.

What are your flaws?

I have many, many, MANY flaws but I'm only going to mention one and that is the fact that I get really annoyed easily. I mean serious, don't try to annoy me cuz it would be like sighing your own death certificate.

What is your favorite TV show(s)?

I dont really have a favorite TV show

What advice do you give to people who are writers?

My advice to writers is that you've got to start some were and from there you'll improve. Don't expect to be really good at the start. Things take time and you'll always have your haters do don't assume that your writing is bad if someone says your bad. You just have to be able to take criticism well :)

BONUS QUESTION: what is your most prized possession?

well my most prized possession has to be my journal were i write all my songs and new book ideas and dreams

Okay, well that sums up the end of our interview, so bye JustListen4eva thanks!


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