Chapter Twenty Six

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"So, how is Zayn really?" I asked Louis when we were in the warmth of the taxi.

Louis looked sad and shook his head. “I have no idea, he won’t open up to us about any of it. He’s so ashamed of what he did. We all knew Emma was a bitch. She told Zayn to leave the band, she twisted everything we did or said to her around on us. I wouldn’t be surprised if she made the whole baby thing up, but there isn’t a thing we can do. Management told us we need to stay out of it all completely.” He stopped for a minute looking at me.

"Emma cheated on him, didn’t she?" I asked quitely.

He nodded, “We’ve told management about it, but they want to stick with the story that Zayn left Emma when he found out she was pregnant like she said. Telling Zayn’s side could be conceived as lying and they don’t think it’s worth it. She’s lied so much to the press. Urgh, it makes me so angry! We think she’s either lying or the baby isn’t Zayn’s.”

Louis shook his head again, I took his hand a squeezed it slightly. He looked up at me, his striking blue eyes meeting mine. 

"It’ll be OK, if your management think lying it the best thing to do, it probably is the best thing to do." I said gently. 

He smiled at me and changed the topic to my mum, but I wasn’t convinced he was OK. Emma had ruined Zayn’s life and she was ruining One Direction. I hated her already and I’d never even met her.

We arrived outside a small cafe run by an elderly couple a few minutes after I told Louis about Simon. It was Friday and we both needed to relax. 

We got out the taxi and ran inside as it began to rain heavily. 

"Uh, two hot chocolates please." I said breathlessly to the woman behind the counter who gave us some menu’s and allowed us to choose a table to sit at. 

"How about this one?" Louis said softly, pointing to a table in the corner.

"Fine by me. I must have sat at every table in this room!" I said remembering coming here when I was younger. "I used to come here with my mum." I said after catching Louis’ confused face. "I’ve lived in that apartment all my life! This is where I grew up!" 

He looked shocked.

"It’s so nice in here. I wish I grew up in London. I’d only been a few times before the X Factor, now it’s like my second home! Well, technically it is my home, but Doncaster will always be home home to me. You get me?” He asked. I nodded, but I had no idea, the apartment was the only place I had ever lived. It was my only home.

"How about the cheese and tomatoes paninis? How are they?" he asked suddenly knocking me from my thoughts.

I nodded, they were lush. Louis went up and ordered two paninis for us to eat and came back with a small plate full of buttered French bread.

"Oh My GOD!!!" He said with a mouthful of bread. "This is the nicest bread I’ve ever eaten in my life. I’m in HEAVEN!" he cried.

I giggled and watched him eat almost all the bread before the steaming paninis were placed in front of us.

"BON APPETIT!" Louis cried before wolfing his down.

London: The City Of Love// Zayn Malik Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now