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"Yaay! new neighbors!" 12-year-old Jazmine squealed as she spotted a Uhaul truck, pulling up with a Mercedes behind it.

"Mommy, Daddy, new neighbors!" Jazmine shouted, racing downstairs with her pink pajamas and bunny slippers. Tom came running downstairs along with her wearing the same exact pajamas except his was blue.

"Sarah we have new neighbors!" Tom shouted excited.

Sarah came downstairs to see her overly excited daughter and husband jumping up and down screaming "New neighbors! New neighbors! New neighbors!"

Sarah crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Come on Honey, let's go meet them" Tom stated, grabbing her waist.

"Yeah, please mum, please" Jazmine Pleaded.

Sarah let out a sigh and smiled at her daughter. "Of course Sweety, but we have to get dress first. We want to look presentable for our new neighbors" Sarah explained.

"Awwwwww"Tom and Jazmine whined in disappointment as they walked upstairs to get dress.



Once they were finished getting dressed, they walked over to the new neighbor's house, located two houses away from The Freemans.

As they walked, Sarah held a overbaked apple pie in her hands while Tom and Jazmine babbled about their expectations of the new neighbors.

"I hope the husband likes miniature golf. I could really use a new golf buddy"Tom said randomly.

"I hope the husband has a daughter that's just like me, then we can become best friends forever, and we could mess with Hue-Huey?"Jazmine said but stopped in mid-sentence.

She spotted Huey sitting on the steps with a light skinned girl with shiny long raven hair.

"Look Jazmine, looks like we're not the only one that's excited to meet the newbies" Tom stated, pointing to Robert Freeman, who was flirting with a beautiful brown skinned woman who looked like she was in her late twenties.

Tom and Sarah went over to the woman while Jazmine walked over to Riley, who looked as if he as annoyed.

"Hiya Riley,"Jazmine said, looking over to Huey, who seem very engaged in his conversation with the young girl. It was surprising to her since he never shows interest in anyone, not even her.

"Sup," he said simply.

Jazmine smiled brightly "So you guys came to meet the new neighbors too, "she asked.

"Yeah, I thought it was gonna be fun people, but they wack,"Riley said, disappointing tone.

"Well, It looks to me that Huey and Mr. Freeman seem to like them" Jazmine mentioned, trying to get Riley to say something about Huey's interaction with the new girl.

" That dime piece with the huge ass ain't got no man, so Grandad tryna eat the yams. "Riley said, chortling.

Jazmine laughed nervously, not understanding the joke, then she put her hands behind her back.

"And Huey?" She inquired which made Riley grin widely.

"Oh yeah, Huey ain't gay no more" he expressed.

Jazmine blinked at him, not fully understanding his statement.

"You see the daughter fine too, but she boring like Huey so they got a connection" Riley stated.

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