Human Sacrifice

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AN: I found some art that I thought would fit my OC characters' description, I do not own any of the art.

"Cindy, come on!"Riley said, gritting his teeth.

Cindy's mind told her to go, but her body wouldn't move, so instead Penelope went and successfully made it, and so it was Hiro, then Ming, then Jose. The remaining was Veronica and Cindy. Veronica was going to go next, but she hesitated. She looked at Cindy, who was immobilized.

"I can't move, I'm scared" Cindy admitted.

"Me too" Veronica agreed.


Huey, Riley, Hiro, and Ming were waving and signaling them to proceed.

But they were too afraid.

"I killed them all!" The girl shouted. "Now I will punish anyone who stands in my way!" She shouted.

Cindy never felt so frightened in her life. She cried softly, torn between contradictory emotions. "I can't, "she repeated.

Veronica took her hand, " You can, we can" she said. "Together, " she stated.

Cindy wiped her tears and looked over to Riley, who looked like he was terrorized for her. She appeared back at Veronica, who licked her lips nervously. "Let's cross together, " she advised.

Cindy nodded in agreement. "Okay, "she stated.

"On the count of three,"Veronica said.


"Two," Cindy said.

"Three!" They both said as they went for it.

"No!" They all whispered when they realize the girl on the roof had spotted Cindy and Veronica.

"You think you're better than me!" The girl screamed, pointing her machine gun towards Cindy and Veronica.

"Cindy!"Riley shouted he attempted to run towards her, but Huey grabbed him.

"Veronica!" Jose shouted, fearing for his cousin's life. He was about to run towards her, but surprisingly, Ming held him back.

"Aaaaaaah!" They screamed and ran as the girl hollered and blasted the gun.

The girl was an inexperienced shooter, so she missed. Cindy didn't know what came over her, but suddenly, she didn't feel frightened any longer. She imagined herself playing basketball. Her opponents were trying to steal the ball from her, but she dodged and serve their every move. In reality, she moved swiftly, dodging every bullet, and moving in a zig-zag motion.

Riley couldn't believe his own eyes, she was amazing.

Cindy was almost there, but she heard Veronica let out a screech. She turned to discover that Veronica had been shot in the leg, she turned back around and rushed over to Veronica.

"Come on!" Cindy shouted, helping Veronica up. Veronica cried in pain. "I can't"

"Yes, you can, we can," she said, giving her a grin.

Veronica smiled back weakly as she started moving her feet faster, ignoring the excruciating pain, running through her veins.

The girl stopped shooting to reload, so the crew took the chance to help Cindy and Veronica. Riley grabbed Cindy's hand while Huey and Jose help lift Veronica. The girl on the roof saw them getting away, she moved closer to get a better shot at them and as soon as she was ready to pull the trigger, she lost her balance.

"W-w-woah!" She yelled, but it was too late.


A sound of tragedy was heard as the girl fell to her demise.

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