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AN: Update:2024 I know in the past I provided real life photos of the characters, however I regret it because I feel everyone has their own image of what they believe the original characters look like in real life. I like for the readers to see the characters how they would imagine them so for now on. I will only post the cartoon version of the Original characters, anyway, if you're reading this in 2024. I'm planning to update this story soon. Just been editing some scenes then I plan to post a new chapter.



"Time for bed!" Cairo said, ready to take Tia's life away. Tia shut her eyes preparing for death, but suddenly, she heard a familiar voice say in a venomous tone.

"Leave. Her.. Alone," She opened her eyes to see Huey Freeman, holding a gun to Cairo's head, but the moment the gun touched Cairo's skin, his crew pointed their guns at Huey. Then Riley, Hiro, and Jose pointed their guns back at his crew. Cairo looked at his crew to Huey's and at his own and laughed bitterly. Huey kept his gun on him, glowering at him with a grave expression.

"At last, we meet again, Huey Freeman" he stated.

"Cairo Jackson,"Huey said in a deadly voice.

Cairo smiled widely. "I'm so glad you came to join us, but unfortunately, you came outnumbered,"Cairo said, referring to Huey's crew of three against his crew of five.

"Not so fast pussy!" Cindy yelled, running beside Riley with her gun in her hand. "Yeah, we don't think so! "Ming said, coming along with Penelope and Veronica, who was limping as she walked, but still she held her gun. Huey sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. He wanted the girls to hide, it was too dangerous.

"What the fuck is yall doing. We told y'all asses to stay put"Jose shouted.

"You think for once we're going let y'all do this alone?"Veronica said.

"But your leg!"Jose exclaimed.

"Fuck it!"Veronica said. "Family and Friends come first(La Familia y Los amigos son lo primero)!"she shouted.

"Aww, how nice. You called Charlie's angels to the rescue," Cairo said, looking dead Huey's eyes. "But luckily for you, I didn't come for your blood, "he enunciated with a grin.

Huey was breathing hard and his eyes were flaming red. He was infuriated from the moment he believed he found Jazmine, then realizing his best friend's girlfriend with blood on her neck and discovering his former best friend and rival was behind this the whole time.

And where was Caesar? Was he dead?

Huey clenched the gun tighter he was moments away from pulling the trigger. "I said, Let her go!' He hollered.

"Give me what I want first and she's all yours," Cairo negotiated. He really didn't have time for this and he didn't appreciate having a gun to his head either.

Huey looked at Tia who was shaking in fright. "What do you want!" Huey hissed.

"I rather not discuss this when a bullet can pass through my head any minute, Cairo stated.

"Tell them to put their firearms down on the ground and I'll think about it,"Huey said. Cairo laughed "Man, I nearly forgot how stubborn, you can be" he alleged.

"I'll tell them to if you tell yours too?"Cairo said.

"You first!"Huey demanded.

"Ahahahaha! You think I'm stupid"Cairo said, arching his eyebrow. " How about we do this at the same time"

"Fuck no!"Riley yelled. "Tell those niggas to drop their weapons or I'm shooting!"He demanded.

"What he said,"Huey said with a smirk on his face.

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