FDayThe13Pt2: Pool Massacre

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"Party time!" Jose exclaimed." I'm about to bag all the baddies," he said, purposely to make Ming jealous.

She rolled her eyes while sitting on Hiro's lap.

"Baby, I missed you," she said, granting him a slobbery kiss.

José eyes grew with rage and so he turned to Jazmine, who was looking downwards at her hands sadly.

"When are we going to talk about us?" He said randomly.

"I beg your pardon?" Jazmine replied, looking puzzled.

"I said, you're gorgeous, I'm gorgeous. Let's take this to the next level" José said, lifting Jazmine's chin.

Ming snorted, ending the kiss between her and Hiro who look down at her suspiciously.

" José are you hitting on me?" Jazmine asked bashfully.

"You like that, don't you?"José asked in a seductive tongue, raising his brows up and down.

"Aw, you're so cute" Jazmine replied in a high pitch voice, pinching his cheeks playfully.

" Aah! Yo, stop that shit hurts!" José yelled, moving away from her.

Jazmine giggled and began taunting him some more until finally he ran outside.

"it works every time" Jazmine said, sitting back down.

Veronica witnessed the whole thing, dying of laughter.

While Cindy sat quietly next to Riley.

She had her hair down in beachy waves like Jazmine, except she wore a Nike baby blue@ two piece bikini with some high waist shorts. For the first time, she looked girly, but in a sporty manner. She was sitting next to Riley, who had his arms wrapped about her waist. She couldn't stop blushing because of what happened an hour ago




Cindy was getting ready when she heard something hitting her window. She walked towards the window and looked out.



Oh, hell to the no! She thought furiously. Who the hell is throwing rocks at her window?

Instead of a normal person who opens the window, she grabbed her BB gun and raced downstairs. She flew outside wearing nothing but a huge Jersey shirt with a BB gun in her hand. She didn't even grant the person a chance, she instantly shot them.

"Ow! shit!" Riley cursed, falling to the ground, he was shot in the kneecap.

"Riley, what the fuck are you doing here?" Cindy yelled, running towards him.

"Damn, can a nigga come by white people houses without getting shot?" Riley complained, standing up weakly.

"What the fuck you want Riley!"Cindy shouted, pointing the BB gun at him. She was still infuriated with him.

"I came to talk," Riley said, walking towards her with his hands up in defense.

"Talk? Hahaha! Boy bye!"Cindy hollered. " I'm done kissing your ass go talk to your new Dominican bitch!" Cindy hollered, shoving him away.

"Baby, listen to me. I'm sorry for"Riley apologized.

"What! Baby? Sorry?"Cindy exclaimed, letting out a bitter laugh. " you're a sorry ass motherfucker! wow, you sorry?" Cindy said in disbelief.

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