I'd grown used to seeing his face pale and under eyes dark.

I was going to reply, but Hunter seemed to be amused at my morning face. My hair was literally everywhere and it was sticking up and down in random places. I hadn't taken my makeup off the night before, so my eyeliner was a bit smudged over my face and my foundation had darkened to make me look like an oompa loompa.

Hunter raised an eye-brow at me. "Beautiful."

I groaned. "Shut up, Hunter!"

He chuckled. "No, seriously! If Lux had that face, I wouldn't mind kissing her! I mean, you look a bit...exorcist-like but I can totally see past that and-"

He shut up as my pillow collided into his face. But the weird thing, was that he didn't strangle me for throwing something at him. Instead, he chuckled again and then simply threw the pillow back to me.

Not at me.

But to me.

                                                      ***End Flashback***

"You should probably...get off me, shouldn't you?" I asked Hunter who was still...sitting on top of me with his hands on my shoulders. He seemed to be in a daze of some sort, but snapped out of it quickly.

"Um...yeah." He said, looking around aimlessly. He released my shoulders and effortlessly pulled himself up. I thought that maybe he'd offer a hand out to me to help, but it seemed as if we hadn't reached that stage in friendship yet.

"Want some breakfast?" I asked.

Hunter wrapped his arms around his bare chest. "Naah."

I grabbed his wrist, leading him into the kitchen. "Well, my Mom will just make you eat some later anyways, so you might as well have some now."

I pulled out a stool and pushed Hunter towards it. Thankfully, he dropped down but he didn't seem to be happy about the situation. I wondered why Hunter didn't like eating. He wasn't like...anorexic or anything, I hoped. He didn't seem too fussed about his weight. He just didn't eat. But who knew? Maybe I'd find out what he did like to eat one day and then I'd feel this mental relief.


"Cereal's fine." He said, resting his chin on his hand.

I nodded and then reached into the cupboard for the box of cornflakes. I grabbed a carton of milk and then 2 bowls from the shelves. After preparing 2 bowls of cereal, I put everything away and placed the food on the table. I sat down opposite Hunter and picked up my spoon.

Hunter picked it up as well, but just kind of pushed the cereal around.

"You don't eat much, do you?" I asked sarcastically.

Hunter shrugged. "Guess not."


"Just don't feel like it."

"No other reason?"

"Not that I know of."

"Oh, ok then."

About 5 minutes later, I was just about to finish my cornflakes and Hunter had eaten about...2 spoonfulls? Seriously, I just wanted to shove the food down his throat and laugh. Well maybe not laugh but, you know, take pride in managing to get him to eat.

"You should smile more..." I said absentmindedly.


"I said you should smile more." I said, reaching back to place my bowl in the sink. "Or laugh. I don't think I've ever seen you genuinley laugh at something other than me crying because you've insulted me."

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