First Challenge

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Luke's POV

I wake up from a dreamless sleep, dried tears on my face. I quickly wipe them off and try to think about something other than last night so that I don't start crying again.

I check my phone to see about twenty texts from Calum, Michael and Ashton, but I ignore them. They probably all say the same thing anyway. 'Where did you go? We're worried!' Whatever. The clock on my phone says 9:28 am, otherwise known as too early to be awake, and yet my stomach still rumbles. Maybe I can slip into my bus to get some food..... I doubt any of the boys from either band will be awake yet. I sigh quietly and hop out of Louis's bunk. Harry's curtain is open and I catch a glimpse of Louis cuddling into Harry's chest. I smile a bit and hop down the steps of the bus to the pavement below. I quickly scroll through my texts as I walk reluctantly back to Gus Bus.

From: Michael Clifford

Mate where are you?!?!? Are you okay?!?!

From: Ashton Irwin

lukey where'd you go!!!! Come back!

From: Calum Hood

C'mon luke come back to the bus!!! We're getting worried!!!

I stick my phone in my pocket and try to enter the bus as quietly as possible, and seeing nobody awake, grab some cereal. I sit at the table eating my Captain Crunch, scrolling through my twitter feed, until suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey mate where'd you go?" Calum whispered and sat down across from me.

"Uh- I spent the night on One Direction's bus" I admit, trying to act as if that's what he was talking about.

"No, I mean why'd you run off?"

"Um..." I mutter. "Liam texted me and asked me to come over....."

"Oh" he says and it's obvious he knows something else is up, but lets it go when I give him a small shake of my head.

"So, are we gonna start the 'Ultimate 5sos Competition' today?" I ask, trying to change the subject. It works, and he starts describing the different challenges we could do first, when Michael and *sigh* Ashton enter the front lounge groggily.

"Hey where'd you go last night?" Ashton mumbles and looks at me.

"Liam texted me to come over..." I try not to stare at his beautiful eyes while still using my excuse.

"So I was thinking we should try the Chicken Nugget Challenge first." Calum suggests and explains it to us.

"Sure! Sounds like fun!" Ashton says and skips over to me. "We're gonna win, right Lukey?"

I can't help it lanymore, I look up at him through my eyelashes and say with a smile " 'Course Ash."


Once we stop at a hotel, we set up the camera in Michael and Calum's room and start the comeptition. 

"Hey guys! So today marks the beginning of a new thing that a fan suggested, the Ultimate 5sos Competition." Calum explains to the camera.

"Every day we're gonna make a video of a challenge that we do, Lashton vs. Malum, and whoever wins the most challenges wins!!" Ashton says. 

"What do they win?" I ask. 

"Ummmmm..... Shit we didn't think of that" Michael realizes.

"We'll figure it out later!" Calum decides and we get on with the challenge.

"So here we have some chicken nuggets...." I gesture to the chicken on the table in front of each team. "Each team has 120 chicken nuggets and many different choices of sauces" I point to the small containers to the side of the chicken nugget boxes. "Whichever team can eat more nuggets in 20 minutes wins!"

"Um, yeah! I think we're ready!" Ashton declares and looks at me for approval. I nod and Calum and Michael do a quick high five/fist bump thing. I set a timer on my phone for 20 minutes and Michael starts the countdown.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!"

Ashton and I decided our strategy would be to pace ourselves and not to fill up too quickly, so we both start off at a steady pace. Michael and Calum, on the other hand, are wolfing them down like they haven't eaten for weeks.

"1 minute left" I say after what seems like hours of eating nothing but chicken wings, while sticking more chicken into my mouth. I only have three pieces left, Ashton has a few more than me, Calum has a large pile, and Michael is on his last one.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, times up!!!" Michael yells as Ashton and I both scarf down our last chicken nugget.

"We won!" I try to say enthusiastically, but I'm too full to move or give Ashton a high five.

"Ugh I feel like I'm gonna vomit" Calum groans and heads to the bathroom, Michael right behind him to make sure he's okay.

"Can we just film the end bit later? I'm too full to think about anything." Ashton says and I look over him and nod. There's a small amount of sauce on the corner of his lip, and I bite my lip to fight the urge to kiss him.

"Hey, Luke? You okay with that?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah sure" I stammer while still staring at his lips. They just look so soft and sweet...... My eyes focus on his lips until suddenly my lips are just inches from his. I can feel his breath on my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. He starts to say something and without meaning to my lips are suddenly crashed onto his. They're sweet, sweeter than I expected, and I just keep kissing him until my eyes flutter open with shock, realizing what I was doing. I pull away quickly and try not to stare too hard at his lips. Mine were just on his. I just kissed my best friend. Shit. 

"Oh I um..." I stammer. "You had some, um, sauce on your face" I mumble and stand up from the table, causing the chair to fall over and hit the floor with a bang.

"S-sorry" I murmur hastily as I stumble as fast as I possibly can out of the room, ignoring the "wait Luke!" as I sprint across the hall to the room I'm unfortunately sharing with Ashton. I shut the door and lock it, then lean up against it, back to the wall.

"You're an idiot" I whisper and slide down slowly until I hit the floor. I close my eyes and think of his warm, soft lips. But wait, he didnt push me away immediately. That's good right? Ugh, c'mon Luke, you're just making up excuses. Ashton Irwin would never fall for a guy like you. You're like brothers. And he's already got a girl......

"DAMMIT!" I scream and hit the wall with my fist, hoping the walls are as thick as they look. I bring a pillow to my face and allow the tears to fall for a long, long time.

Fell For The Drummer (Lashton)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora