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Luke's POV

I quickly hit tweet before rushing over to Michael's bed and shaking him awake.

"Mmmph what?" he mumbles.

"TWITCAM!" I scream, hoping it wakes up the other boys as well. I hop down from Michael's bunk to shake Calum and Ashton awake. They all slog out of bed and get food as I check my watch.

"Shit 3 minutes guys!!!" I grab my Apple computer (so that I have a reason to bicker with Ashton about PC's vs Macs) and try to set it up. Michael comes over and tries to help, but none of us really know how to do it.

"Wait, is it working?" I ask the camera, hoping people in the chat will say yes.

Yeah I can see you :)
OMG they actually weren't that late
Awh Luke you look so cute in that beanie

"Ashton! Calum! Come on it's working!" I yell to the front of the bus. The bus gets terrible wifi, but we're parked right next to a hotel with great wifi, so we just mooched their wifi.

"Hi guys!!" I say waving at the camera. I nudge Michael and tell him to say hello.

"Hey" he says tiredly. "It's only 9:00 am so don't expect me to be awake yet...." he says with a yawn. Calum comes and sits next to me in the space I was hoping to save for Ashton, but I guess I can't really do anything about it now.

"Hi guys" Calum greets, but not too energetically.

"I think I'm the only one awake...." I say. "I woke up around 8, I'm not sure why and then literally five minutes ago I went around and woke these boys." Actually that wasn't true. I knew exactly why I had woken up at 8:07 am and it may have had something to do with a dream- no a nightmare- about a certain blonde haired boy named Ashton Irwin. We all just kind of sit in silence for a few minutes, Calum and Michael eating cereal, me sipping my tea and tweeting about the twitcam, and Ashton finally coming over with his vegemite toast and sitting next to Michael.

"Someone keeps telling us to...." Calum leans closer to the computer screen to read the comment. "They want us to have the "ultimate 5sos competition." Like split into Malum and Lashton" my head pops up at the mention of Lashton "and we do a bunch of challenges with our teammate and see who's the ultimate team....."

"Sounds good!" I agree. Anything to do with Lashton, I'm in. Also, it just sounds like fun.

"What do you guys think? Should we do it?" Calum asks, both to us and to the fans. Immediately comments with varying versions of YES YES YES YES YESSSSSSS start coming in.

"I think it would be fun," I say and look to Ashton and Michael.

"Sure!" Ashton says, already somewhat hyper. 

"As long as one of the challenges has to do with eating, I'm in. Cuz we'll win," Michael answers and does a weird little fist bump with Calum.

"Sounds like we're doing it! What kind of challenges should we do?" I ask the people watching. Calum writes them down on his phone as they come in so we can look them up later.


I'm sitting in the back lounge on my laptop with Michael and Calum while they play a rather loud game of.... something I'm not really sure. I scroll through tweets and tumblr posts, looking at every picture of Ashton and I on the Internet.

"Hey guys, can I, um, talk to you for a second?" I hear a small voice ask from the doorway. I look up to see Ashton fidgeting and looking pretty nervous.

"Sure Ash," I close my computer and signal to Mike and Calum to pause their game. Ashton comes and sits next to me, close enough that I can feel his warmth when he sits.

"What's up?" Calum asks.

"Well, I was just wondering what kind of things you might do for a really special first date," and I swear he glanced at me.

"Did you meet someone?!?!?" Michael asks excitedly. He gets super happy whenever one of us even talks about a girl.

"Yeah," Ashton says blushing and smiling down at his hands.

"What's her name?" Michael pesters.

"Um..." he blushes again and I SWEAR he looked at me. "Her name is Emily." Oh. Um. Guess not.... Something catches in my throat. Oh no. Not here Luke. You can't cry here.

"Um, I have to um leave," I say and try to force the tears back. I rush out of the lounge and out of Gus Bus before finally allowing my tears to fall. I run across the parking lot to the One Direction bus and knock on the door, hoping Harry or Louis answers. But no, an Irish accent greets me and I try to choke out a "Is Louis or Harry here?" but it comes out more like a weird mumble mixed with tears. Niall helps me up the stairs and into the bus before sitting me down on the couch and letting me cry into his shoulder.

"Shhhhh it's okay" he comforts and rubs my back.

"He likes" I hiccup "someone else."

"Who likes someone else?" he asks and continues rubbing circles in my back.

"A-A-Ashton" I sob out quietly. I guess he might as well know. He's one of my best mates and he's confided in me before so I guess I can trust him.

"Who does he like?"

"Some girl named Emma or something."

"Hey Niall we're back! We bought some-" Harry says as he and Louis hop up the stairs into the bus. I raise my teary head for a second before letting out a massive sob and dropping my head back onto Niall's chest. Louis and Harry exchange a worried look before sitting down next to me, and Niall gets up and goes to the back to give us some privacy. I transfer my head to Louis's shoulder and manage to whisper through my sobs

"He likes someone else."

"Does Niall know?" Harry asks. I give a small nod and take my head off of Louis's shoulder, my sobs subsiding a bit.

"I'm sorry." Louis says. "I don't really know what to tell you...."

"Just never give up hope. You haven't told him how you feel about him yet right?" Harry asks, and I nod.

"So there's still hope. They probably won't work out anyway. I know Ashton is meant for you, no matter how long it takes, it will happen."

"Do you want to sleep here tonight?" Louis asks. "I could sleep in Harry's bunk and you could have mine." I give a sullen nod before they escort me to Louis's bunk, where I collapse and try to forget about the one and only Ashton Irwin.

Fell For The Drummer (Lashton)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant