Hopelessly in Love

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Hey guys so I've literally just been reading lashton fanfiction for 20 hours straight but couldnt find one that I was completely happy with, so I decided to write my own! I dont believe that Lashton is real, but damn if it was....... Anyway I really hope you like it and yeah i'll stop now

Luke's POV

"Luke c'mon! We can't do chicken wars without you!" Calum calls from the hotel pool where he, Michael and Ashton are splashing around.

"No thanks" I mutter and continue sitting in the shade under an awning. Calum pouts but turns back around and jumps on Ashton's back. I feel a stake of jealousy stab my heart as I watch Ashton carry Calum around the pool, laughing and bumping into Michael. God his laugh is adorable.

"Calum get off! I'm getting out of the pool to talk to Lukey" Ashton says and tries to pry Calum's hands from his neck. I love it when he calls me Lukey... Sure, the other boys say it too, but it's not the same as when Ash says it. Finally Calum lets go and lands in the pool with a giant splash, only to pop up right behind Michael and attack him. Ashton steps out of the pool and I try not to stare at his perfectly sculpted six pack as he walks toward me. Okay Luke, you can do this, just breathe and talk to him like you would talk to Michael or Calum.

"Hey Lukey why won't you come in the pool?" Ashton asks and grabs a towel, draping it over his shoulders and *sigh* covering his abs. Damn that boy.

"Um i-it's c-cold" I stammer. Dammit Luke why do you always do that around him?!

"Oh, okay. Well at least come sit in the sun, Vitamin D is good for you." I know another D that would be good for me. I try to hold back a smirk, but fail.

"What are you smirking about?!?! You get in that sun right now!" Aw, he's so cute when he pretends to be mad.

"And what if I don't?" I give him a lazy half smile before jumping up and sprinting away as fast as I can.

"Luke Hemmings you get back here right now!" he yells while cracking up. He takes off after me as I run across the street and into Gus Bus while trying to contain my giggles that came from Ashton smiling, Ashton talking, Ashton shirtless, Ashton breathing, Ashton. I consider hopping up into my bunk, but then climb the ladder up to Mikey's bunk and hide under the covers, hoping he won't think of looking there. My breath is heavy from running, so I put a hand over my mouth to try and muffle it, and the bus goes silent. Did he give up? Was I not worth running after? I wait another minute, then take my hand from my mouth and my breathing fills the silence. Ashton's probably back at the pool, riding on Calum's back and splashing around with Michael. Reluctantly, I lift a hand to pull back the curtain, but it's whisked open before my hand reaches the cloth. I gasp, hoping to god it's not some kind of murderer psychopath coming to kill me. But to my relief, I see a cute 19 year old boy with adorable dimples and even more adorable hair smiling up at me.

"Can't run, can't hide Lukey boy" he says with a smirk.

"Are you kidding I beat your sorry ass here," I say and playfully hit his shoulder. He laughs his adorable laugh again, and my heart melts a bit. If only he knew how I felt about him, if only he felt the same way. We have the bus to ourselves at the moment, maybe I could tell him now, while we're alone. Am I ready for this? What if he hates me and thinks I'm gross? What if we're not friends anymore? I haven't told any of the boys that I'm gay yet, the only people who know are my parents and my friend Audrey at home. But Ashton's definitely straight, he's gone out with at least ten girls while I've known him, and not one boy.

"Luke, you okay?" I snap back to reality and realize that I was staring at Ashton. He's sounds a bit weirded out, but also kind of worried.

"Yeah m'fine. I just zoned out for a sec, I'm good." I can't tell him, he'll hate me. It'll ruin our friendship. My phone beeps in my pocket, and I take it out to see a text.

From: Liam Payne

hey luke :) the boys and i were gonna grab some lunch at this cool restaurant. you guys wanna come?

"Liam wants to know if we want to go to lunch with One Direction?" I ask Ash.

"Sure sounds great! I think Cal and Mikey won't mind, I'll ask." Ashton whips out his phone and texts Mikey, even though they're just across the street. 

Ashton types something out on his phone, and is answered with a beep a minute later.

"They say sure!"

"Great! I'll text Liam."

To: Liam Payne

sounds great! send me the address, we can probably be there in half an hour


We get there late, as usual, and see the boys have pushed together two tables near the back of the restaurant. Ashton takes a seat next to Niall, and when Michael sits next to him I feel the familiar pang of jealousy and I end up sitting next to Louis and Harry. Usually when it's a crowded place with lots of fans a person from One Direction's management makes someone sit between Louis and Harry, but this is a really small, unknown restaurant in the middle of nowhere without any paparazzi, so for once Louis and Harry get to sit together.

"Hey Luke" Harry says while playing absentmindedly with Lou's hand.

"Hey guys how's it going? I see they're letting you sit together," I say.

"Yup" Louis says with a smile and pecks Harry's lips, making Harry giggle. God how I wish I could do that to Ashton, just give him cute little kisses whenever I wanted.

"Get a room!" Niall says jokingly from across the table, but that only makes Louis kiss Harry more just to rub it in. Maybe I should talk to Louis or Harry about Ashton? I mean, Louis is gay and Harry's bi, so I'm pretty much in the same situation. Except they actually both love each other. Right now it's just me madly- no hopelessly in love with a boy who will never love me back.

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