Ch. 1 - The Beginning

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That's me over there ---> 

Or under the image tab for people on hand-held devices. :D 


March 19, 2017

I was now living with my 7th set of foster parents at the age of 16. I'm going to be 17 in a week and I can't wait to finally be on my own! Damn! Well basically I'm on my own already. High school dropout. Dad's never home. Mom always treated me like a fucking baby. But that's what parents do, right? (Well, foster parents anyway). So yeah, basically on my own.

My real parents are dead. They both committed suicide. Well, actually my dad killed my mom because she was going through "too much pain" he said. But then turned around and killed himself because he "couldn't live without her". I bet you're thinking, "Well what about you? Why did they leave you? Aren't you mad? Did they put you up for adoption?".

Nope, I understand. They did what they had to do, it explains it all in "The Book". But we'll touch on that a little later.

"Sweety, do you want breakfast?" Veronica said as she knocked on my door.

"No man. I ain't even up yet!" I yelled back to her.

Veronica was my mom and dang she was annoying. Always checking up on me like I'm a kid. But I brushed off her nagging and continue with my life.

I spoke loudly as I sat down in our kitchen island, as Veronica brushed her teeth."Hey, I'm going out tonight." I said to her. "With Breanna and Victoria."

"Well, okay, but you know your dad doesn't like them." She said sticking her head out of the bathroom door. "He said they're bad for you."

"Oh kay, and I still don't give a ..."

"Hey!" She said cutting my off as I rolled my eyes to the back of my head.

"Ugh." I said under my breath.

"Oh hey, I bought you this for your skin. You know, whenever you go out. To the beach or something." She said walking in with a smile as she slid a box down the island.

"What the hell? Yo, Veronica, news flash lady! I'm not white!" I said smartly. "How many times do I have to say that? Why are you always buying me this crap." I said as I slid the box back to her. "Psht, skin lightner. The freak?"

"I know sweety. But you may confuse people." She said as she dug in the refrigerator.

"What do you mean?" I said getting pissed off.

"You look white, but when people get up on you they see a shade of brown. You don't want to be ... umm I mean make people confused. Do you?"

I knew was going to say "You don't want to be black", I just knew it.I'm 55% Dominican, 20% Irish, and 25% Russian. But she hates the fact that I'm even a slight bit of Dominican or "black" as she calls it. And she hated the fact I dressed like the way I did. Every other week she either buys me foundation that's way too light or skin whitner. Yeah, if you were to see me anywhere else you would say I was white, but I'm not. And I wouldn't be ashamed to correct you in an instant.

"Ugh!" I said louder as she turned around and looked at me.

"Hey you! Get your butt back here." She said innocently as I turned around slowly. "Who said that you could get a bigger gauge?"

"It's called a stretcher. And its only one size." I said as my voice raised in astonishment, laughing at the fact that she noticed.

"You already have 21 holes in you head." She said as she gave me a humble/sad look. "I counted!" She said lowly but smart.

"What ever. And I'm getting more." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Jazmine, you're only 16. What will your kids think?" She said hesitantly.

"Fuck kids. But I do want to be like my mother." I smiled. "She was beautiful. Piercings and tattoos." I said as I gazed down the hallway. "And I'm cutting my hair." I added as she stood there speechless.

As I ran to my closet, my phone lit up, indicating that I had had a text message. It read: Ayoo babez we comin over there to get dress???

"Hey, I'm about to leave. Don't open the door for anyone. And no one is coming over." She yelled from the front of the house.

"Yeah, what ever." I said I said back in a low voice.

As I heard the door slam, I picked up the phone and text back:

Yeah. Come on over. Nobody's here! 


xXJayy_CocaineXx ::: Hey everyone! Cocaine here! Hoped you liked it so far! But hey, trust and believe that you are going to fall in love with this gossip, drama filled story! I guarantee you!

♥ XOXO ~Jayy ♥

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