“His son   Carter is talented and proficient in business and we intend to have his presence as soon as he get back from his business tour” Jerald stated looking at me.

                 “Of course, it will be a pleasure” Carter stated giving me a wicked grin.

                 “Okay then let us get down” Jerald said and led the way with Mr. Carter as I trailed behind.

                 The club was now thick with the guests. Many of them greeted us and I got tremendous amount of ‘ma'am and madam’. Of course they will recognize me as the ‘mighty Emma Harper’ as I am trailing behind Jerald like this.

                But no Jerald has to make it so obvious by declaring it with a loud speaker all around.

                “Can I have a minute please” Jerald caught the attention of the guest who eagerly waited for the words from Jerald’s mouth. That much is his power and leadership.

               “I would like everyone to meet Emma Harper, the owner of Emma Enterprises. Many of you haven’t met her in person. So she likes to take this opportunity to get to know all of you. In two years she will take up many of the companies and run it herself and hope little interactions like this among all of you will be helpful for her.” He stated proudly. But what exactly is he proud of?

               There was wild applause from everyone. I scanned the crowd and all seemed to be interested in Jerald’s comment, well except for one. It held pure shock. Yep sitting on a chair with his hand in mid air holding a glass and mouth hanging open is Zayn Malik, utterly stunned by Jerald’s words.

               It was as if Jerald had announced instead “Hey everyone meet Emma Harper, an alien from Mars. She would like to get to know all of you for her time being in earth”. Wow seriously this comment would have been better.

             His eyes locked mine and he stared at me before shaking his head and turning away. His eyes held something- disappointment, I feel. But why?

              Oh! Now he have come to realize that I am Emma Harper, the owner of the world wide Emma Enterprises and not just the random nerdy girl he teased and met before. What will he think of me now? I just couldn’t but think about it.

                 When people who knew me simply as Emma Harper come to recognize my true identity there would be multiple reactions. Some would treat me then on as a ‘Mighty One’ with too much respect and honour. And of course I hate it. Many would treat me as something untouchable distancing them self from me. Again what I hate. Some grouped me then as a spoiled brat born with a silver spoon in her mouth- no wait platinum spoon and avoid me then on. And only a few ones that I can count in my fingers see me without any difference and just as the Emma Harper that they know beforehand.

                Now I wonder what group he will fall into. Wow, wow calm down Emma. You don’t even know him properly and there is no big chance that you will meet him again. So no need to think this hard about how he will respond to your identity. This is Zayn Malik we are talking about. But still?

               He did not bother looking at my direction again though I stared at his side in vain for a few seconds. Soon it was ‘get to know each other’ and I half heartedly smiled and greeted everyone. I simply nodded in response to many of their business comments as I had no idea of these shares and markets.

                 “Emma Harper” someone called my name sharply yet warmly and I turned to see the only face that I would ever be happy seeing this time. I haven’t seen him for what like years.

HIS MAID? NO, HIS WIFE! [ZAYN MALIK FAN FICTION]Where stories live. Discover now