A Promise

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Author's note: And I'll be publishing a chapter every Monday. Please tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I disclaim the idea and rules of vampires created by Stephenie Meyers. I only own the characters that I created (which is practically all of them) :P

Chapter 17: A Promise

I awoke from what felt like many hours later. My whole body ached and felt stiff. A coolness had settled in my veins. I was ravaged with hunger. My left arm was in a series of braces as well as my right leg. My heart was so slow I could not even feel or hear my pulse. I felt groggy and really thirsty. My throat was almost burning with thirst.

I looked over to the left of my bed to see Stephen with his head in his hands.

"Mello." I meowed in a rasping voice. Immediately, his head jerked away from his hand.

"Lily! You're awake. Are you in any pain? Should I get Endymoin?" His hands hovered over me unsure what to do. His black eyes were shattered with concern. His face was older than it should be.

"You're thirsty." Was all I could say.

"Don't worry about me. Does anything hurt?"

"No just achy. How long have I been...asleep?"

"For about thirty-five hours." Endymoin informed, suddenly appearing. "Your bones are healing nicely.

"Did I miss any school?"

"Don't worry about school." Stephen interjected concerned.

"School starts in the morning. And at the rate you are healing, you will be ready to go if you so please. In a few hours, you'll be walking. Cutting it a bit close, Lily." At that, Endymoin left.

"What happened to Er-" My voice choked at his name. I couldn't even think it. How pathetic can I be?

"He got away, but we did some damage." Stephen's rage was radiating off of his body.

"Stephen..." I took a steadying breath. "I'm so sorry for everything, for running away, for causing you to suffer. I'll under-..understand if you wished to lea-"

"Shh." He hushed, placing his cold finger to my chilled lips. "And put you through the same torture that I went through." The words cut me deeper than any wound I suffered so far. I was such a fool. Tears pricked at my tear ducts, tears of guilt. I've cried more in this month than all my life. "No. I couldn't. You did what you thought was best. I wouldn't have the strength nor the resolve. I'm quite selfish, I'll have you know. No, I will not leave as long as you want me, I'll be here with you."

"Always." I choked, leaning into him.

"Always and forever."

Author's note:

The names of the people and places within the contents of this story were change to protect those depicted with in these words. All except for one, Erik Prince's name. Beware of and adolescent male about fifteen to nineteen years of age with extremely pale skin, black hair with either red, violet, black eyes. He may appear older. He is missing a finger, the index from the left hand. He may appear a bit misshapen. If you happen to find him you are probably dead already.

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