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Author's note: And I'll be publishing a chapter every Monday. Please tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I disclaim the idea and rules of vampires created by Stephenie Meyers. I only own the characters that I created (which is practically all of them) :P

Chapter 8: Returns

I woke that morning slowly, remembering last night's nightmare. Burr! I stretched while lying. Then, I flipped over onto my stomach, stretching my legs behind me, arching my back like a cat, being careful not to jar or place pressure on the braced wrist, braced instead of casted because of the stitches and Stephen's healing power.

Putting on my glasses, I went to the bathroom, relieved myself came back to my room, grabbed some clothes. Suddenly, I felt some pricking the hairs on the back of my neck. Someone was watching me. I, then, remembered Stephen was here last night and what he said that there would be a vampire would always be near. Since one of my windows are always uncovered. I decided to change in the bathroom.

Once I returned to my room, I fed my fish. At first, I had trouble opening the lid of the fish food because I couldn't use one hand properly. So annoying.

I glanced outside my first story window view of the garage roof, garage door, driveway, and flower garden. Perched on the roof was Violet. She waved to me, and I returned the greeting. She then slipped off the roof.

I knew it. Someone was watching. I thought as left my room to make myself a quick breakfast, preparing for school.

Mamo came down, seeing me ready for school she spoke with concern. "Nie musisz iść dzisiaj do szkoły." You don't have to go to school today.

"But I want to. I do not want to do makeup work." I replied in English.

"Alright, but be gentle."

"Of course."

Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone was knocking on the front door. Who could it be so early in the morning?

"Kto to jest?" Who is it? I asked, Mamo as she opened the door.

"Stephen! What a pleasant surprise." Mamo exclaimed in surprise. What is Stephen doing here so early? Unless, it was Erik instead, but that would mean he had to go through Violet and who knows who else was out there. If anyone of Stephen's family got hurt trying to protect me, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"Dziendobre, Pani Waterflower." Good morning, Mrs. Waterflower. I was wondering if Li- I mean Emilia would ride with us to school today? I assumed that she would be going despite her injuries." His voice was thick with hypnotism, not that he needs to use it on my mother. She would follow anything he suggested.

I had walked to the front of the house to be greeted by sweet, darkening gold eyes. Violet and Luarence were leaning against the same midnight car Stephen and I rode in to Starkrock State Park.

Mamo always dazzled by Stephen readily gave her consent.

"Give me a second to grab my backpack." I called as I snared the straps with my good arm. Thankfully, it was not my right wrist that was injured. "Bye, Mamo."

I got shotgun, while Stephen took the driver's seat. Violet and Luarence took the backseat.

"This is new."

"Erik's presence changes everything."

"Is it going to be like this for the rest of the year?"

"For a while, Lily. Just until Erik is no longer a threat anymore. How do you feel?"

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