Spring Break

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Author's note: And I'll be publishing a chapter every Monday. Please tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I disclaim the idea and rules of vampires created by Stephenie Meyers. I only own the characters that I created (which is practically all of them) :P

Chapter 9: Spring Break

I awoke to soft sunlight streaming through the back wall. My mind grasping at the threads of last night's dream. The school week had been torture. Erik kept popping up at random moments. And because we are at school, no one could stop him.

Rose admitted to wanting to date him. When I tried to talk her out of the idea, she accused me of wanting to date him myself. I shivered at the thought. Now, she refuses to talk to me. The thanks I get for trying to interfere. The bother.

The rest of my friends think I'm dating Stephen no matter how many times I told them otherwise. What could possibly put that idea in their head? Dating! Don't be preposterous. I bet Stephen told them to say that just to get on my nerves. The only good thing with Stephen around all the time is that I don't get nightmares anymore.

I'm so happy Spring Break arrived. A week of no silly drama, no Erik induced fright attacks at school and no more worry.

Once I got dressed. I popped onto Stephen's laptop to type out the next chapter of our story. I've decided that I would continue to write despite Erik's arrival by connecting the story to real life. Plus, Stephen assured me there were no other enemies.

Stephen brought up breakfast for me, pancake with peanut butter along with various fruits. And bacon, lots of crispy, delicious bacon. As I ate, a thought popped into mind. "What would happen if you ate human food?"

"You can eat bark, right?" He answered taking a blueberry from my pancake and popping it into his mouth.

Once I finished breakfast, I took an extra thick book I checked out from the school library and started to read from it. I read for hours at a time, going through hundreds of pages through this long story. I only took breaks to do the thing necessary to stay alive.

Violet gave up a while ago on playing sleepover with me. Finally. She wouldn't give up for so long.

I read till night where I fell asleep with Stephen seating at the edge of the bed. He had become my dreamcatcher.

By the second day, I was sick of reading.

"Ugh, I can't read any longer. The words are dancing before my eyes." I announced, flopping face first onto the soft leather of the sofa.

"You lasted longer than I thought." Stephen replied. He was painting. Of what? I did not know. He won't let me see it. "You've been reading through the whole week. You burned yourself out."

"Now, what I'm going to do for the rest of the week?"

"How about we go outside and stretched your legs." He suggested, putting down his paint and brush, throwing a crisp white sheet over the canvas.

"Yes!" I jumped up like an overactive puppy.

"Well, then let's go." He chuckled.

We couldn't get out of that house fast enough. I didn't even bother with shoes. The nearly green grass felt cool under my winter soften feet as I burst out of the front door, dashing into the woods. I was flying through the undergrowth. My feet automatically found the safest and sturdiest route. Stephen kept up with ease.

My wrist was freed of stiches for a while now thanks to Stephen's healing venom.

Stephen slowly veered right, guiding me through the trees. I began to follow him as my sudden burst of energy wore thin. I slowed until we were walking. A few hours passed without whim.

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