Found Out (Lily's P.O.V.)

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Author's note: And I'll be publishing a chapter every Monday. Please tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I disclaim the idea and rules of vampires created by Stephenie Meyers. I only own the characters that I created (which is practically all of them) :P

Chapter 16: Found out (Lily's P.O.V.)

"Violet?!!" I yelped when she obliterated the tent. Her bewilderment reflected my own.

"L-lily?" She stammered in disbelief. "You're alive." My abandoned clothes were clutched in her hands.

"Of course. I'm alive. Why wouldn't I be?" She looked at the clothing in her hands. The black blood jumped at me.

"I found these in a dumpster. I thought- I thought you had been killed by a vampire, by her." Violet pointed an accusing finger at Susanna. Already, I could feel the blistering feelings spitting off of both women.

"Easy, both of you." I called out standing in between both blistering vampires. "Violet this is Susanna. Susanna this is Violet. Now, Violet does He know that you thought I was dead?" Her expression told me everything I needed to know.

"He had overheard me when I was telling Elizabeth over the phone."

"Oh no. Why were you looking for me?! Where is he now?"

"I don't -" Her phone rang suddenly. "Endymoin. No, she's alive. I found her. I'll explain when I get there. Alright, we'll see you in a bit." She snapped the cell closed.

"Let's go, Lily." Violet commanded, grabbing my arm.

"Wait a moment. Emma is this one of the coven you ran from. Why does she call you by another name as if you are a pet to be named by whim? Were you fleeing for a reason?"

"My birth name is Emilia, but they call me by Lily for it is my favorite name. I ran away to protect them from Erik. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine with Violet."

"I'm coming with you." She obviously didn't trust Violet.

"No way. You're a traditionalist. Why would you care?"

"I'm coming with Emma."

"There is no time for this? Both of you are going."

"Fine, but keep up." Violet slung me on her back and took off into the waters then back on land at lightning speed. Faster than even ....Stephen. It was the first time since I left that I thought his name. A ripping pain in my usually empty feeling chest. Guilt cooled in my veins. This was all my fault.

"Where could he have gone?" I asked as the world flashed by. Susanna kept up pretty easily.

"I have no clue."

"Violet stop!" The word burst out as the thought came into mind. He would go someplace to be destroyed. He would go to Erik.


"I know where he is. Erik. We have to hurry. Do you know where Erik is?"

"Yes." We veered away from the direction she originally took. We stopped in the middle of the woods. "If Stephen knows that I'm here, he'll move faster, so we'll have to separate here. Find Stephen before Erik finds you or before Stephen finds Erik." This was going to be almost impossible, but I can't give up now.

"I'm going with you." Susanna announced before I could enter the foreboding section of woods. "This Erik fella, I take is dangerous. This Stephen doesn't know my scent. I can protect, Emma."

"Excuse me for not trusting you, but I find it hard to understand why a traditionalist is helping a human."

"Well, I'm trying the vegetarian life."

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