Lily's P.O.V.

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Author's note: And I'll be publishing a chapter every Monday. Please tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I disclaim the idea and rules of vampires created by Stephenie Meyers. I only own the characters that I created (which is practically all of them) :P

Chapter 13: Lily's P.O.V.

I awoke from my dreamless sleep. The night was nearly over. I had slept through the day and most of the night. The first grays of dawn lit the east.

I dug around me bag for an apple, a shiny green one. It was gone in minutes. All that was left was the seeds and stem.

If I enter the waters now, I risk being spotted by the Summers' family. So, I'm stuck here for a while. I set out to explore my new home, dragging the canoe completely onto land.

This island wasn't too bad, vegetation grew all the way to the water's edge except on the northern point where it was balded by pebble beach. The whole island was wooded. The center was a bramble covered hill. Secret tunnels under the brambles crisscrossed the hill.

I was about to return to the canoe when the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Someone was watching. A voice quickly followed. "Why are you here, human?"

I slowly turned toward the clear, alto voice. When I spotted the source, the first thing I noticed the bright garnet red eyes. The second thing was her wild beauty even in her rough worn clothes and short, tousled hair. My mind completely shut down.

"How many vampires are there in this country?!" I ranted. "You know what. If you're going to kill me please get it over with already. And please do it as painless as possible." I pleaded waited Death's cold embrace.

"I'm not going to kill you, honey. I'm not thirsty at the moment."

"Oh." I starred at her in wonder. Her dark auburn hair seem to glow under the shade of the trees with its burgundy under tones.

"What is your name, honey?" She asked a southern belle colored her voice.

"Um. Call me Emma." I answered, a bit hesitant.

"I'm Susanna. Nice to meet you. Why don't you come to my camp?" She invited merrily. How could I refuse? My nose was over whelmed be this vampire's scent. It was like cedar, sage, and the sweet smell of swamp moss.

Once there, Susanna offered me a stump to sit on. We were on the southern end of the long island. How did I miss this?

"How is it that you know of my kind?" I guess I have no choice but to tell her if she not going to kill me. So I did. Everything. It felt so nice to speak to someone but my story also left me feeling a great sadness, but why? I must miss them.

"Oh, you poor dear!" Was what she said once I finished. I found the reaction odd since I expected her to sympathize with Erik and not a human like me. I am her food source after all. Maybe, she like one of those people who see a baby chick, raises it, and loves it but still eats chicken. I'm just a baby chick to her.

"Would you like to stay here on the island with me? I can protect you. The nearby towns are part of my territory."

"But, I'm human."

"Don't worry, honey. I'll just have to feed more often so not to be tempted." All those poor people. "Hey, I could try the vegetarian way as well. That way you won't feel guilty."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure." Yup, I became her baby chick.

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