Violet's P.O.V

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Author's note: And I'll be publishing a chapter every Monday. Please tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I disclaim the idea and rules of vampires created by Stephenie Meyers. I only own the characters that I created (which is practically all of them) :P

Chapter 15: Violet's P.O.V

Where is she? How could she do this to us? Doesn't she realize how much she meant to all of us, especially to Stephen? She never saw him before he met her. Didn't she see the change in him over the course of their friendship? It's painful just seeing him now. This is even worse than after Jane.

Where is she? How could she leave us? How could she hide her scent so well? The river banks should be where her scent picks up if she ever sets foot on the shore. She couldn't stay in the canoe forever, right?

What was that? Lily's scent! Yes! I dialed Endymoin's number, but I got only his voice message. He must be in surgery. The guys were off hunting of course without their phones. Elizabeth's home. I followed the scent into the small town as I waited for Elizabeth to answer.

"Vi?" Curiosity colored her voice.

"Elizabeth, I found Lily's scent. Send whoever is there. I'm in the town called- Wait, someone else was here."

"What's going on? If you are in a town than some human could have crossed her path." Her disdain registered briefly in my mind.

"No. It was a vampire. A traditional one. She was followed by our kind."

"Erik?" She still sounded unhappy of the topic.

"No, not his scent. Oh no!"

"What is it, now?" This time she sounded a bit concerned.

"Lily tripped and fell on some glass. Well, that not like her. There's quite a bit of blood." The last words nearly choked me if that were possible. "She was scared. Lily ran. The vampire followed her. Oh no, no. No!" A gloomy alley lay before me. A dumpster gaped back at me. A set of tattered clothes lay within half buried under human trash. Lily's scent spilled from them, mingling with dirt, fish, and vegetation. Her blood splashed the precious garments bringing burning thirst to my throat. What will Stephen do? He certainly won't move pass this.

"Violet what's wrong?"

"I found her clothes in a dumpster. The vampire's scent is all over them. And, they are covered in her blood." A crashing sound carried over the phone. "What was that?"

"Stephen, he must have overheard." Now, her voice carried genuine concern.

"Go after him!" I commanded before ending the connection, cracking the phone casing in the process. I raced back to the river maybe I can still catch him before he did anything rash. I am the fastest.

Running was faster than swimming against the force of the current. Lily's clothes still clutched in my hands. But before I could gain much ground, a hateful scent invaded my nose. The one who killed her. All thoughts of Stephen fled from my mind as the scent flew across the waters from an island.

I dove into the murky waters and sprang onto the shores of the land mass before a second thought reached my mind. Lily's scent crisscrossed the whole island along with this heinous vampire. I tore through the vegetation towards the source of the scent. Her scent brought a pricking sensation at the site of my tear ducts, but nothing came from them.

The murderer's reek pulsed from the tent before me. The cloth shredded with ease uncovering a dark hair female vamp and a startled, very much alive Lily.

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