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Author's note: Here is the revised version of the story. I am ashamed of how many mistakes I left before. And I'll be publishing a chapter every Monday.

Author's note: This is my first FF so don't hold back. It is off the Twilight saga, but it is not like most FF's. You'll see what I mean. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I disclaim the idea and rules of vampires created by Stephenie Meyers. I only own the characters that I created (which is practically all of them) :P

Chapter 1: Intruder

I've been awake, unable to sleep. I've been still for so long that my pulse and breathing was of a slumbering person. I felt like I was sleeping, but I was aware of the rain pelting against my window, the creaks and groans of the house as the rustling wind blows against it. I could see the flash of lightning, the water running off my window, my door slowly and, for once I its life, silently swing open.

Wait! Door swings open. Either I finally fell asleep and I'm dreaming or there's a draft or someone- no impossible I would have heard the tall-tell floorboards creak in the hallway or the click of my door opening, so it couldn't be someone breaking in.

I closed my eyes and instinctively fingered the cool metal of the blade of the knife under my flowered pillow.

Suddenly, I felt the intruder's breath on my exposed throat.

I whipped out the knife and pressed it on the offender's neck. I turned on my bedside lamp at the same moment.

"Who are you, and what are you doing-?"

There before me was a charcoal black haired boy with obsidian gems for eyes and paler-than-a-porcelain-doll skin. He looked to be 15 years old, not much older than I was, and the boy was attractive in a dead person kind of a way. I must admit.

Where my hand touched his skin, it felt as cold and as hard as marble that was outside in the snow, yet it had a soft, smooth quality to it, like the smoothest stone that sat in water for a period of time but multiply that by a hundred.

Then, the boy disappeared and reappeared by my door, faster than I thought possible, like slow transportation or very, very fast movement.

"You should have been asleep." he said, a honey sweet voice coated with worry, "I made sure. Blasted thirst messing with my senses."

Pale, cold, hard skin, black eyes for thirst, unbelievably fast, perfect, makes-girls-faint-just-by-walking-past handsomeness, can hear my breathing and heartbeat without being close, beautiful voice, and wonderful scent which I can smell even though he is all the way across the room. The scent of irises, cloves or carnations, sweet wood smoke, and something familiar filled the room. What is this? I have a strong sense of smell.

He's a . . . . . .

"Vampire!" I ended my sentence under my breath.

His eyes whipped to my face. His face full of fear of having his deadly secret discovered, and by a human he only meet for a few minutes.

"Y-you're here to feed." I said, suddenly fearful.

Seeing that even if he denied it I won't be convinced, so he said, "I wish that was not true, but hunting here has not gone well. Not enough large prey and I'm too thirsty to resist."

"Try?" I asked pitifully hopeful.

"Your scent over powering. Just too thirsty."

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