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Dear Cole,

I don't know why I started calling you by this name in my mind, but Constantine never actually worked for me. Maybe you wouldn't like this name if u heard it, but i don't mind. For me, you're just-Cole.

Anyway, how are you? I hope your life is going great, because mine is pretty awesome. I have all these great people who are beyond hilarious and they make my days a whole lot better, even when I'm down. Please tell me something about yourself before i start talking about my own life,because that's going to take a while.

Now i guess i should get to the point. I decided to write to you after a few years because i heard you asked about me. That was nice of you. I didn't expect that since we had such a confusing break-up. Let me tell you the truth behind that, I know you never understood my words back then.

See, I liked you a lot. I liked you for a long time and you liked me too and eventually that became love. Even though we have been together for quite a while, it wasn't such a productive relationship. I always had this feeling that you needed me just so I can listen to your problems and needs and try to follow your mood swings. To be honest, that was hard.

I mean sure, you asked me about how my day was and if I slept well, but did you really care? What exactly did you want me to be? Was i supposed to wait for you to dump me after you found someone who can please you better?

Maybe it was all a misunderstanding. Maybe i should've talked to you more.
Well,that's what this letter is for, right?

Dear ColeWhere stories live. Discover now