Chapter 3

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My arms stiffen,"Whose next, Dean?"

"Who do you think Grace?"


"Good guess, but no," Dean chuckled.

"Is It Randy?" I asked.


"Then who?"


My eyes closed tight. I try to gather thoughts on what Dean possibly could have meant. I open my eyes wide open again, but he was gone.

"What the fuck," I cursed under my breath. Why does he always do this to me? 

"Why does who do what to you?" Randy came out of no where.

I jump,"Randy! Don't do that to me!"

He laugh,"Sorry Grace. Now, are you going to answer my question? Or do I have to play dumb and pretend like I didn't hear anything? You know, like those fanfictions you read on Wattpad?"

"Do you read those?" 

"No, but my daughter does."

"Then how did you-"

"Yeah, don't ask about It,"He said. I nodded my head,"Okay, I was talking about Dean Ambrose."

"Now, Grace. I told you that he Is bad news. I don't want you going around him,"He said sternly.

I sign,"I know you don't Randy, but trust me, once you get to know him, he isn't all that bad. He's just - He's just being Dean Ambrose."

"I'm still don't want you around someone like. Grace, I just want you to be careful. That's all I'm asking from you," he pleaded.

I smile,"Thank you Randy!" I ran over to him to give him a massive hug.

"You're welcome sweetie. Oh, and hey, I'm sorry for what happen between you and John. I know how much he means to you, and I just want to know I'll be there for you, no matter what," he whisper In my ear.

I held my breathe for a moment before replying,"Thank you Randy... for everything. I just wish John would understand that The Shield aren't so bad. I mean yes, we do have our differences, and yes, I hate there guts, but I'm not going to judge them for things that they do on camera."

Randy let go of me,"You're welcome kiddo. Now, I will warn you, If they do anything to hurt you, I will hunt them down the end for hurting my little sister."

I gushed,"Oh Randy. Don't be too hard on them."

"Let's go Grace, I want to play some video games back at my hotel,"

*Deans PPV*

"Trust me, guys. I have her wrapped around my finger,"I told Seth and Roman.

"What If the plan doesn't work, what do we do then?" Seth asked.

"Trust me Seth, everything Is under controlled, and IF this plan doesn't work, we'll do It The Shield way," I said.

The both nodded,"That means take my force, right?"

Roman slapped Seth on the back of the head,"No, Seth. We get rainbows and unicorns to magically get her with us. Yes, you idiot! What other "Shield" way Is there?"

Seth pouted his lips,"I was only making sure."

I shook my head at Roman and Seth's behavior.

My phone started to ring, I picked It up for the table In my hotel room and answered It,"Hello."

My Shielding Figure (A Dean Ambrose Love/Hate Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now