My Shielding Figure (A Dean Ambrose Love/Hate Story)

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2 Years before

"Hello Grace, this Is Mr.McMahon, I was calling to let you know that you have been accepted In the WWE," Vince greeted.

"Really! Thank you! I promise I won't let you down sir!" I squeal through the phone.

"Good to know, your first match will be tomorrow. You'll be facing Kelly Kelly, goodbye," he noted and hanged up. Wow, and uptight boss, I thought. 

Let me introduce myself. My name Is Grace Savage. Yes, I'm the daughter of Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. I'm 23 years old and I am from Columbus, Ohio. Life hasn't really been all that easy. My mom and dad separated In the summer of 1992. My dad left me with my mom. She was an alcoholic. I don't remember a time she wasn't drinking. She died In 2001 by mixing drugs and alcohol together. She wasn't the best mom, but I still miss her. I was then left with Randy and his new found wife, Barbara Lynn Payne.

I didn't get along with either of them, but I still loved them alot. They cared for me, and I just flat out hated them. I feel bad about It, I eventually apologized for my behavior towards Dad and Barbara, but It was kind of too late because Randy died a few weeks after. May 20th, 2011 to be exact,which was just a few months ago. I miss him a lot.

I was then left with Barbara. I'm glad she treated me like I was her own. I knew she miss Randy a lot, and I'm sure It was hard for her to become a mother of someone that wasn't hers. She raised me pretty well. Taught me to be strong and never give up on your dreams. I love her too much and I will never take her for granted.

I wanted to follow In my dad's footsteps of working In the WWE. I want to continue his legacy that he left behind. I know It will be hard, and I know people won't accept me at first, but I will try with all my might to get them to. I wouldn't care even If It killed me.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door bell ringing. I got up from the couch to answer the door and then saw It was my mom, Barbara.

"Hey Sweetie! I heard the news from Vince! I want to congratulate you because I know how hard you've been working for this. I'm so proud of you baby girl!" Barbara smiled at me. See what I mean? Best thing that has ever happen to me Is this woman right here.

"Thank you Mom! I should be thanking you! You taught so many things about not giving up, and chase after your dreams, Mom, you kept me strong through all these years and I did not realize that soon enough. I'm really grateful for you,"I shed a tear while making my mini speech. Everything I said was true. She kept me strong through my dad's death. She kept me strong through all the terrible memories that I had through my school years. I don't know what to do without her.

 "Grace, I wish I could be there tomorrow to watch your first match, I'm sorry I won't be able to make It---" 

My stepmom's voice drained me when she said she wish she could be there. For the past two years, If I could take anyone to go see me In action for the first time, It would be her. It's funny, though. It kind of reminds me a song that I once heard on YouTube. Saying what do you do when the one who means the most to you Is the one who didn't show?

"Grace, are you listening to me?" Barbara asked while snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry. I kind of got lost In my own mind. What were you saying again?" I asked, trying to listen this time.

Barbara sign,"I just really want you know I'll try to come to one of your matches soon, I can't promise that though, I'm sorry dear." I nodded sadly. I understand why she couldn't make It. Her job here Is very strict and doesn't let her take too many vacations.

"I love you Mom," I cracked.

"I love you too Grace," she pulled Into a tight hug. I have to say this, she gives the best hugs ever! Random, but very true.

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