Chapter 2

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I’m Thirteen!

            Trent and Marcus met up at the fair entrance and started walking home. Halfway up their street Trent suddenly collapsed. Marcus immediately dropped down.

            “Hey! What the hell? Are you all right?” Marcus knelt over his brother and examined Trent more closely. There was a small needle inserted into Trent’s left shoulder. Suddenly, there was a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a well-dressed man standing man standing next to him.

            “Get up Marcus,” the man said forcefully and with authority.

            “Who are you and how do you know my name?” Marcus asked as he simultaneously stood up kicked the man in the place you should never kick a man. The man grabbed his foot before it got to its intended target and two seconds later, Marcus was pinned to the ground with the man’s heavy foot pressing down on his neck.

            “Take an XBOX man, don’t hurt me!” Marcus wailed in fear.

            “I don’t want the damn XBOX, son, get up.” Marcus dragged himself to his feet and felt a stabbing pain in his calf. The mysterious man handed Marcus a small pistol. Marcus looked at the gun, and nearly peed his pants.

            “What do you want me to do?” Marcus asked the man nervously.

            “Drag your brother to the corner and come with me.” Marcus did as he was told and thought for a second about shooting this strange man in the leg and running away. “If you so much as point that gun in my direction, you may have to die, and I don’t want that to happen.”

            Marcus looked at the man in awe and hung his head in shame as he followed the man into a wide alley. The man then walked to the end of the alley and carved an X into the wall.

            Then he said to Marcus, “Shoot it.”

            “I’ve never held a gun before, let alone shoot one!” Marcus exclaimed in protest. The man gave Marcus a stare that would have made a mountain move out of fear. Marcus lifted the gun to find that the man was now holding a garbage can lid five feet in front of the target. Marcus saw the man smiling and got angry. This dude had shot his brother, made him drop his XBOX’s and now he was toying with him!? He aimed the gun next to the man’s face and shot. There was a small thud with an echoing sound and then a larger thud as the bullet found its target.

            Marcus smiled triumphantly. The bullet had ricocheted off of the brick behind the man’s head and then embedded itself at the exact center of the X in the wall. Marcus was shocked that the man had not even blinked or flinched.

            The man then introduced himself. “I am Drake and I will be watching you closely, Marcus. You will work for me one day” Drake then pointed the same tranquilizer gun that he had used on Trent and shot Marcus in the shoulder.

            “I’m only thirteen!” Marcus exclaimed as drifted into unconsciousness.

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