Chapter 22:M.I.A. ...I am Saige

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"You don't believe us... go check yourself out" Roxanne said nodding towards the bathroom. I sighed, and walked into the bathroom. Yeah like I actually look any different... I cut on the lights, and glanced at myself. Nothing changed... wait.. I did a double take... holy shit!! I slowly examined myself. My skin was... flawless. My greenish gray eyes were striking. My long brown hair shone in the light. Oh and lets not forget about my figure... I had curves in all the right places. My hips were a bit wider, and my breast were bigger too. So being a vampire isn't that bad... oh who am I kidding... I love it!! I walked out of the bathroom with a cheeky grin.

"See what I mean" Roxanne said smiling, she grabbed onto my arm, "Now come on... we need a wardrobe to match that beauty" she pulled us out the room, and we headed towards the store.

*Hours later*

My closet to my new room was completely filled by now. Everything I tried on fit me perfectly! My clothing ranged from casual wear all the way to lingerie and Victoria Secret items. I truly looked like a vampire now.

"Now don't forget" Roxanne started as she plopped down on my bed, "there's a party in the lounge tonight. Wear that one outfit I picked out for you"

I groaned, "You expect me to wear that piece of cloth in public" I asked in disbelief.

She grinned, "Okay... fine... wear that black and red corset, with the skinning jeans and those black wedges I picked out for you"

"Do you want me to look like I prostitute" I muttered under my breath.

She smirked, "Welcome to vampire life hun... now start getting ready.. it starts in two hours.. see you in about an hour and a half" she pulled herself off of the bed, and walked out the door.


I applied my final touches, and looked at myself. I'm not gonna lie... I thought this outfit would look bad... but it turned out great!! My loose curled hair cascaded over my shoulders. I'm loving this look... and my smokey eye looks sexyy!! I heard a faint knock on the door... showtime. I ran towards the door and swung it open. Roxanne gawked.

"Can we trade bodies for a day" she said looking me up and down.

"Of course... not!! I love my body too much" I said as I pulled her into the dorm. She plopped down on my bed. I finally got a chance to take in her outfit. She had on a red tube top, with black skinny jeans, and red stilettos. "I'm loving the outfit" I said smiling at her.

"Thanks" she said smiling as she took two cans out of her purse. She threw them at me, and I caught them perfectly. Surprising... I normally suck at things like this.

I examined the cans, "What is it?" I asked, opening one of them, and placing the other one down on my nightstand. A metallic smell filled the air. "Wait... is this blood?!" I asked in horror.

She nodded, "You'll need it, in order to stay calm tonight... you're new to this... so you need to drink alot of blood in order to keep yourself from going completely rogue" she explained. I scrunched my nose up, and took a sip of the drink. Hmm... not bad... not bad at all! I gulped down the remainder of the drink, and moved onto the second can, gulping it down as well. It has a sweet taste to it... I kind of like it. "Not bad, huh"

I glanced at her, "I like it."

She chuckled, and got off the bed, "Come on, let's go" she said practically dragging me out of the room. "This is where I teach you how to run in vampire speed" she glanced at me and smirked. "Now just look forward, and focus...have tunnel vision. Oh and try not to look down. Okay are you ready?" I nodded, "Great let's go" she began to run. I followed quickly behind her. Whoa... this feel weird. My hair whipped back as we ran. In seconds, we were infront of the lounge. I could hear the music blaring. Roxanne pushed the doors open, and as we walked in the music stopped. All eyes went to me.

Missing in Action... Kidnapped *Completed but Editing*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat