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So far, the characters are:

Samantha: Used to be in MSP, Not always vengeful but only towards Pixi and Zac, peaceful, likes the color black, calm, simple

Pixi Star: Fake, Perky, Always Joyful, Enthusiastic, Always acts like she's full of goodness and joy, hates Samantha

Zac Sky: Pixi's best friend, and usually follows Pixi around, slightly like her minion

Boss: The creator of Moviestarplanet and head of the staff

Becca Beats: An old friend of Samantha's, sometimes works in MoviestarPlanet server 

Riley and Packy: Some unknown moderators

Ms. Parks: The late daycare watcher of Pixi's, Becca's and Sam's

That's all we have for these 5 chapters, though, some people will be coming soon, who are in MSP Canada. ;] Look away while you have the chance, Spoiler Alert: Me (AllyHollister, GabbyTheDude, SunnyYellow, Ilakcheez and a few others!

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