Chapter 2: Daycare Flashbacks

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That day was very.. odd. Instead of us playing hopscotch, or using the jump-rope or playing freeze-tag or even in the sandbox, she declined and stood up against day care. Pixi rejected my requests to play casting, or dress up or in the arcade. She'd repeat the words again and again, "I won't stay at this daycare anymore, I won't stay at this daycare anymore!" Her bright pink hair even looked like a messy pale red. 

"Pixi, what's wrong..?", I kept questioning. I was worried about her. I asked her over and over again but I still got the same reply. She just shrugged angrily and shook her head and sprinted away. I felt betrayed that moment, she was my best friend but she wouldn't even talk to me. 

"Stop..running..!", I shouted, trying hard to breathe while running. "No, I won't!", she said as she gave a dark smirk. Then the bell rang.

Pixi ran right into the room. Pixi loved  naptime. But still, something was odd about her. Pixi was the first one in the room but soon after, she casually walked into the bathroom with her backpack. With worry, I peek into Ms. Parks' classroom. I saw him behind his desk on a chair. He was lying on the chair when I noticed something unusual. A deep red liquid was on her clothes and to the ABC carpeting. Her face was pale and then I realized, he was dead! The blood was soaking on the sleeping mats and drops of blood was on a nearby shelf. My face reddened and I absolutely knew, she killed Ms. Parks!

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