What you dont know wont hurt you

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"Call him! Call him! Call him! Ca-"
"Ll him. YES!" She answered
Lilac called Hayden and put him on speaker.
"Hey" she said trying not to sound to excited.
"Is this Lil' Lilac?" He answered his voice a bit muffled and somehow sexier through the phone.
"You know I hate it when you call me that!" She said.
"Yeah yeah. Ok. Gimme a sec. Just got out of the shower. I've gotta get dressed be right back" he said.
Lilac fell back on her couch cheeks the colour of scarlet and Ashley just laughed. Her hands went oer her face and she tried to hide her smile.
"Ok I'm back" Hayden said.
"Can you sen me a selfie of you right now" Lilac blurted out.
"Um yeah I guess. Only if I get one back!" He said. The girls could here him smirk.
They exchanged selfies and Lilac stared at hers while still on the phone.
"Damn girl. You look hot"
"Thanks. I try"
"Hey" Hayden said "so I've liked you for a while and I was wondering if you wanted to grab some Chinese food on the way home from school. I'll walk you home after or you could spend the night" he said.
"YES" Lilac yelled without realizing it. "Um I mean. Yeah man. Cool. Whateves"
"Ok" he laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye"
A couple hours later Ashley left. And Lilac went to bed.
The next day so packed her most expensive makeup and dress. And her favorite shoes. After the bell rang she ran into the bathroom ad changed. She did her makeup as good as possible and changed. She put her hair up and put her shoes on. Then she met Hayden at the main doors.
"Dang girl" he said.
"What is that like your new catchphrase?" She asked.
"Nope. Just I have no other words for your sexiness" he said.
"Well you don't look so bad yourself" she said.
Hayden grabbed her hand and they walked to the Chinese restaurant down the street.
"Yes. I would like a bowl of wonton soup, some curry noodles, and a nice stir fry please. To go" he said.
"I wanted some wonton soup" lilac said trying not to sound Whiney.
"Oh. You'll get some" he smirked.
He took their food and they walked to his house. They sat on his couch and ate the food.
When the food was downed he leaned in for a kiss. She kissed him back. But then it got a little heated. So she pulled away.
"Hey. Why did you pull away" he said his hands still on her back.
"Come on please tell me!" He put his hand on her thigh and the other one on the red velvet couch.
She touched the hand on her thigh and said to him
"I really like you, and I would take this further but what you don't know won't hurt you!"

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