First Case pt. 2

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"Wait, House said what?" I asked incredulously. "He thinks that you should help us with this case. He says that you're pretty smart," Chase said, helping me walk down the hallway.

"Yeah but a lot of people are 'pretty smart', but they don't get placed on a case that could mean someone living or dying," I argued, leaning into Chase as he supported my body weight.

"Tess, since I don't think this will be a one time thing, I'm giving you some advice. House is one of the most strangest, sarcastic jerks that I've ever met in my life, and I've met a few. The thing is, the guy's a genius. So, try not to question him too much, okay?" Chase said, looking down at me. "Got it," I said, smiling at him.

He held the glass door to House's office open for me and we walked in. "Ah, you're finally back. Did you go get some shrimp on the barbie while you were gone?" House said sarcastically, not even turning around from his position at the whiteboard. Chase looked at me like "see what I mean?" I nodded before waving to Cameron and Foreman.

"So how'd you know we were there? Your door doesn't make any noise," I said, sitting next to Chase. "I noticed a wave of intelligence come into the room." I noticed Chase perk up a tiny bit. "Oh, and Chase came, too." I struggled to hold back a laugh as Chase's bottom lip poked out slightly.

"Okay, so can somebody tell me what this case is?" I asked, gasping slightly as a slight dull pain in my arm kicked back in. Cameron looked at me with concern, but I put my hand up to say I was okay.

"A kindergarten teacher collapsed during school today. No reasonable explanation; all the normal tests we run came out with nothing," Foreman said, looking at House.

House looked at me pointedly and I sighed. Time to get to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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