25✝ When Life Gives You Lemons

Start from the beginning

"No, actually I'm on my way right now," I gesture to the six boxes stuffed under my arm and sigh.

She lets out a small laugh and begins to reach for them, "You seem to be having a bit of trouble. Here, let me help you," I don't argue, as she takes the boxes out from under my arms and sets the stack on the counter. She ushers me over to a shelf with several large boxes of strawberry marshmallow-filled chocolates, "He likes these," she states handing me one, "I know because he used to come in here all the time and buy like three at a time."

I tuck it under my arm where the other ones were before, "Thanks,"

"No problem," she replies, turning away from me, "stay right here." Moments later I hear "Catch!" as I find a large stuffed turtle flying towards me, and I throw my hands up in protection, dropping the box of chocolates. "He also likes turtles," she states, peeking her head up over the aisle, "oh, did I scare you, I'm sorry."

"It's, alright," I say, following Ab as she heads back to the counter. She steps behind the desk and begins to punch a code into the monitor. While she is doing this, I subtly begin searching the large box of chocolates and plush toy for a price. The total in my head comes up to $13.00 without tax, and I hesitate, knowing that I only have a measly ten dollars with me at the moment.

"Um, Ab, I--" the sound of the cash register flinging open causes me to flinch, and I look up to find Ab placing a ten and a five into it, her pocketbook lying open in her hands.

She looks up at me with a smile, "Have a nice day," she says, waving me off, "Oh, and tell Brendon I said hi."

I don't feel right making her pay for my items, so I begin to argue, but she cuts me off again, "Have a nice day."

I get the hint that she isn't going to let me win this, so I just smile acceptingly, "Thank you very much, Ab. I'll see you again soon," I reply, making my way towards the door.

Next thing I know, I'm making my way up the sidewalk of Brendon's house, chocolates, and turtle in hand, feeling like an awkward date who forgot Valentine's day or something. The sound of the front door opening pulls me from my thoughts and I look up to find Pastor Dave on the front porch, exiting his house, keys in hand.

My heart starts beating a bit faster as I hadn't expected him to be here. I mean, of course, he would be here, he's taking care of his injured son and he doesn't have a job now thanks to me. At that realization I figure that there is no way he would even want to see me here, and yet I was anyways, practically forcing the bad memories back into his mind. It isn't really like he could have forgotten them anyway. How could you forget something like that with a constant reminder in the form of an injured child, six days worth of hospital bills, and no job to pay for them with.

All too quickly, the pastor is turning to face me and unintelligent words begin to tumble from my dry lips, "Um, Hi, Pastor Da-"

He looks down at me, and puts a hand up to stop me, "Just call me Dave, kid." He sighs deeply, his tone deflated. I notice the vacant look in his eyes as he sets his gaze on his car behind me and continues walking distractedly.

The words come out before I've fully processed what kind of response I might receive for them, "Are you doing alright?"

"I don't quite know how to answer that right now. I'm in a bit of a hurry," he says distractedly, before finding the concerned and curious look on my face, "I'm in the middle of job hunting, and I'm also in dire need of finding Brendon a caretaker to assist him while I'm out-"

"Maybe I can help with that," I interject, realizing how perfect of an opportunity this is, "I, um, I'm also trying to find a job, sir. I've recently been kicked out of my house, and I- I just- I need-" My mouth was moving faster than my brain, and right when I had run out of words, Dave cut me off,

"Your parents kicked out?"

I nodded.

His eyes softened as he scanned my face, "Is it because of the fire?"

I swallowed thickly, my throat dry, "Yeah. My mother, you know, with everything that happened... she told me it would be best for everyone if I left... So, I did--"

"And so you're offering to help out around here?" The pastor asked. I nodded. "Vanessa, at this point I'm not sure if you and Brendon are a good mix. Whenever you're around each other you two can't keep yourselves out of trouble."

I bit my upper lip as he said this, trying to understand where he was coming from. "Sir, I promise that I'm not just trying to propose this as an excuse to hang out at your house and do nothing. I can and will help with anything I need to. If you need me to run errands I can do it. If you need me to cook or clean, I'm on it. If you need me to help Brendon with anything like bandages, I will. I just need a job."

Dave looked at me with empathy. "You do understand that I'm out of work, correct? Our two-income household has recently become a one-income household. I don't have much money to pay you right now."

"I understand completely. I am willing to work for free for as long as I have to, to try and make up for what I've put your family through."

He nods, taking in the words I've said for a moment before finally replying, "Alright, Vanessa, you can work around here."

I had to stop myself from smiling too wide as a sudden wave of relief and joy washed over me, "Thank you so much, Dave. I really appreciate this."

"I know you're a kind and bright girl, and maybe spending some time around Brendon will do him some good." He smiled, "we also have an extra room, upstairs if you ever need it."

"I appreciate that. Thank you again, sir,"

"You're welcome, Vanessa. Brendon's inside if you want to go see him." He starts to head past me, but turns around with another thought, "Just make sure the two of you keep this place standing."

"Will do."

{ A/N: slight filler by accident but next chapter is gonna be better :) }

Church Boys † Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now