Part 7 [Finale]

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Hai guys~ Firstly I wanted to say Thank You so very much for taking your time to actually read my stories. And I am so very sorry that i got stuck somewhere during the completion of this chapter and so I apologise for the slow updates. *bow Sorry~ And so yeah, finally the finale. Well not to worry people of wattpad! I'm actually thinking and had made a plot of few omakes that were kind of requested by some of the readers in pm's and comments. On how did Alaude actually got together and does i have another pair in the shadows? Mostly 8059...Yamamoto/Gokudera pairs and etc. So this actually encourage me to write few omakes. So yeah, enjoy this chapter and wait for the omakes

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR and all the other bishies inside it when i actually hope for it but NO, it is own by Amano Akira sensei and others reserved. T-T *sniffle *sobs.

'Through The Sky's Viewfinder' - Part 7 [Finale]

The sun was shining ever so brightly, sunlight started to peak through the curtain of his room trying to wake him up from his comfortable slumber. The warm bed and comfortable blanket was drowning him in pleasure that he refuse to move, not even an inch nor millimeter at all. He snuggled deeper into his pillow as the cheerful chirping of birds did not bother him any bit. A smile curved on his face, satisfied. Suddenly, realization struck him. He slowly woke up and ease himself into a sitting position as he watch over his surrounding and started to stretch and yawn, rubbing his eyes cutely before he is wide awake.

"I have a picnic with Aira today..." He mumbles.


"Tsuna...are you free this Saturday?" Aira asked cheerfully.

"Hurm?" Tsuna was trying to remember his schedule for the week before asking her. "I think I am, why?" He asked.

"Ah~ Won't you have a picnic with me?" She asked with sparkles in her eyes.

"Hurm...just the two of us?" Tsuna asked. Trying to ensure something.

"Nope~ With a few acquaintance. Do you mind?" She asked.

"No, not at all...wi-will your husband be there?" Tsuna asked nervously.

"Yup, he will. Don't worry, he won't do anything scary under my watch!" Aira re-ensured him with a bright smile.

"Hmmm...sure, why not? I'm sure Reborn will let me have a little break since the family trip is still weeks away." He stated.

"Yes~!" She squeal happily. "It is my first picnic in a public place after all!" She stated.

"Then, I'm sure it will be a nice one!" Tsuna stated.

"Hmm! And even Alaude will be there!" She stated happily.

"Hee~ You must be happy about it right, Aira?"

"You bet I am!" She started to giggle happily along with Tsuna who seem to be smiling, feeling happy for his friend.


Tsuna was humming happily as he walks away from his bed and into the bathroom. The sounds of water filled the room. It was a nice day, the weather is nice, it is sunny but not too blazing, it was not too windy but just breezy. A nice start for the day. He was choosing his clothes from his walk in closet, searching through his casual wear. A frown would form occasionally and he would sigh as he kept on browsing on what to wear for the day. After almost an hour struggling with his inner self, he finally decided on what to wear for the day. He don't know why, but his hyper intuition had been alarming him that something important will happen on that day and he don't want to be sloppy and looking unpresentable since he does not know what kind of acquaintance will Aira bring along with her.

Through the Sky's Viewfinder [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon