18.The red dress and blue blazer

Start from the beginning

The Ritz was as fancy as it always was. It was tall building, standing like a bright light against the night sky. When we got out of the car, the valet immediately took the car. "Too rich for my blood," Ross commented. I smirked. We linked arms and walked into the hotel. The conference was attendees only so we had to stop and get our names crossed off the list from the man standing at the door of the conference room.
"Do you guys see Dante anywhere?" I whispered.
"Negative," Jake's voice came from my earpiece.
I scanned the crowd and a blue blazer wearing man kept catching my eye. His back was turned. He had on light grey dress pants. The man turned to speak to someone. It was Dante. I let out a deep breath and my mind drifted.

7 years ago, DeNiro residence
"Where did you get this dress?" I asked sucking in my stomach as Zoey zipped up my dress.
I went to stand over the mirror. It was tight and hugged my body. The dress was red and short. It was sleeveless. "I look like a slut."
"You look hot," Zoey replied.
"She looks like a slut," Lily said sitting on my bed.
"A hot slut," Zoey argued. "If you wanna get it on tonight. This dress will do wonders."
"Dressed as a slut not a slut," I told her. I glanced at the clock sitting on my night stand. "Shit it's almost time. Where are my shoes?"
Lily held up the strappy nude heels. I grabbed them and put them while trampling down the stairs. I sneaked past the living room where dad, Paul and Peter were watching the Patriots game. If they saw in this scandalous outfit I was in I wasn't going anywhere. Alessandra found me grabbing my jacket at the front door.
"Dad Aunt Pearce is going out on a date!" she shouted.
"You are the most annoying 11 year old I know," I said reaching down to give her a kiss.
"Oh no no," Paul said stepping into the foyer. "Not like that."
The door bell rang and I opened the door. Dante was outside with a bouquet of roses. His hair was slicked back. He was dressed in a blue blazer, white shirt and grey jeans.
"Wow you look amazing!" he exclaimed, then handed me the flowers. "These are for you."
I took a sniff, "They're beautiful." I turned and tossed them to Paul.

Paul coughed behind us.

Dante pulled out his hand, "I'm-"

"Leaving," I finished his sentence grabbing his extended arm and dragging him down the steps of the house.

"And we're leaving," Dante agreed. He opened the car door for me. "My lady."

"Cheesy much?"

"I thought girls liked cheesy."

"Only on cheeseburgers."

Dante thew back his head and laughed as he started the car.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see soon."

"Well it better be worth it. I'm missing the Pats game."

"You never cease to amaze Pearce," Dante laughed again.

"Good. I like to be amazing."

"Oh wow the Prudential building!" I exclaimed getting out the car. Dante handed the keys of the car to the valet and slipped him a 10 dollar note.
"Thank you sir!"
"Yes the Prudential building. Top of the hub. Best view in the city," Dante held out his hand and I took it.
Dante was right the view was breathtaking. We were seated near the window and down below was beautiful Boston nightlife.
"I wanna get something out of the way," Dante said. "I know this is the 21st century and arranged marriage is bullshit. But this doesn't have to be a marriage unless we both agree to it okay?"
"I agree and I'm glad we got that out of the way."
Dante dazzled his smile at me, "So tell me everything I should know."

After ordering the entrees Dante went to go to the bathroom while I enjoyed the gorgeous view deep in thought. Dante...was marriage material. We were different people. He was an only child. He went to Yale, the only sport he played was fencing. The only other language he spoke was Italian. People say opposites attract but I think it's more like you're interested in them because they have a much different view on everything.

The waitress brought our salads but I decided to wait for Dante even though the salad was calling my name. That's when I saw a man sitting across from us. He was older and sitting alone but he was eyeing me...in a weird way. I gave him a small smile hoping he would turn away but he didn't. He continued to eye me.
"Dante," I said as he sat down again. "The man across from us...is eyeing...me."
"Excuse me sir," Dante turned to the man. "Can I help you?"
"No...just thinking of what I'd do to her," he replied with the dirtiest smile on his face.
"Say that again!"I stood up pushing the chair and table.
"Pearce let it go he's not worth it," Dante's hands were around my waist holding me back from punching the man. "Let's go."

"I could've creamed that scumbag!" I shouted when we were outside.
"Pearce it's fine," Dante wrapped his arms around me.
I shrugged him off, "I'm not scared."
"I know you're not scared," Dante told me. "I'm sure you could've 'creamed' that guy. I was just comforting you."
"Okay," I whispered accepting his embrace. He smelled amazing, like body spray and chocolate.
"My penthouse is a few minutes away from here. We can order in if you want."
"Okay but I'm warning you now I'm not one of those girls who sleep with guys on the first date."
"I'm fine with that."

Dante's penthouse was one of those modern ones. When he unlocked the front door, the lights turned on and the window shades went up, revealing the Boston skyline. I slipped off the heels and followed Dante to the living room.
"Wow you're impressive!" I grinned.
"I get by," he replied with an embarrassed smile.
A bunch of framed pictures on the fireplace mantle caught my eye. "Is that your mom?"
Dante came up behind me,"Yeah. That her. She died when I was five."
I turned, we were centimeters apart. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

We were kissing. It was passionate. It was electrifying. My legs wrapped around his waist. He walked over to,the sofa and laid me down. Our breathing was heavy but the kiss was too. My dress was unzipped and his shirt opened. He traced my neck with kisses making me moan. His hands were in my hair and mine were running up and down his muscular torso. "I thought you didn't sleep with guys on the first date," Dante said between kisses.
"You're an exception."

Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian DevilWhere stories live. Discover now