#59 first night

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You placed Caitlyn in the cot as Niall placed Oliver in the one next to her. You turned on the baby monitor and watched the twins slowly fall asleep.
You sat down on the sofa next to Niall and turned on the TV.
"We need to catch up on Eastenders." Said Niall pressing play on the remote.
Just as the theme tune started playing you heard crying coming from the baby monitor.
"I'll go," said Niall standing up and walking up the stairs.
He was up there for about 10 minutes before he made his way down stairs again.
"Who was it?" You ask.
"Little ollie," replied Niall.
"Is he okay now?"
"Well as soon as I went up stairs and picked him up he fell straight asleep." Said Niall.
You and Niall has managed to make it up to bed and had been asleep for a few hours.
The twins haven't been crying a lot and this was you first proper shut eye after the twins were born....
That was until Caitlyn started screaming, waking up Oliver who also started to scream, waking up you and Niall.
"What's happened?!" Shouted Niall shooting up from his sleeping position.
"I think they're hungry." You say and walk over to the two cots.
Niall stays sat in bed watching you take care of the crying twins.
"Do you want help?" Asked Niall.
"I'm fine for the minute." You said just finishing feeding the two twins.
You kissed the top of their heads and placed them back in their cots, watching them until they fell asleep.

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