#4 victoria's secret

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You and Niall has been shopping all day. Niall was tired and was moaning that he was hungry.
"Oh Niall we've only been out for 6 hours." You say looking at some clothes.
"But I want some food." He whines.
"Okay okay..." You drift off as you look across the shopping centre at Victoria's Secret.
"What are you looking at?" Asks Niall as he follows your eyes. "No no I'm not going in there no!"
"Oh please!" You beg making your bottom lip quiver.
Niall hesitates "Fine!"
You rush into the shop looking at all the different garments as Niall awkwardly walks around with you.
"What do you think about this?" You ask holding us a lace bra and a matching pair of panties.
"Er.... I don't know!" Bursts out Niall.
You laugh and put them back down. You walk around more until you find some decent looking underwear.
"I'm just gonna by this bra and panties." You say and look at Niall.
"Well if you want them." He says and smirks.
"Oh Ni." You kiss him and walk to the counter to pay for them.

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