#14 Interview (his POV)

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I sat on the white leather sofa next Louis in my own little world. I didn't pay any attention to the interviewer and fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt.
"Niall are you alright?" Whispered Louis discreetly.
"Yeah I'm fine." I whisper back.
But I wasn't I was thinking about y/n and how everyone would react when they found out we were engaged.
I then caught a glimpse of her backstage and smiled to myself.
"Niall?" Said the interviewer catching my attention.
"Yes!" I said snapping back to reality.
"So anything you'd like to say before we wrap up this interview?" She asked.
"Er... Well there is one thing actually." I say. "Me and y/n are getting married."
I smiled as the audience clapped and cheered.
"Well congratulations to you both." Said the interviewer. "I'm very happy for you both." She smiled.
"Thank you, I can't wait 'till we get hitched." I say with a laugh.

A/N: sorry I haven't been updating a lot and sorry this one is very short. I've been quite ill these past few days my family think I have the flu👎 I will update more. I promise. 🤗

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