#40 gender predictions

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You had gone out for lunch with the boys and your friend.
"Mmh I really fancy some Victoria sponge." You said.
"What about a salad." Said Niall. "You need to eat healthy for the babies."
"You know y/n if you're craving sweet things, it means you could be having a girl." Said y/b/f/n.
"Really, two girls." You said thinking about it.
"But you don't know that for sure." Said Liam. "I remember when my wife had our child, she craved sweets things but we had a boy."
"We're just going to have to wait and see." Said Niall. "We're finding out the gender soon."
A waitress then came over to take your order.
"what are we having?" She asked.
"6 slices of Victoria sponge cake please." Said Harry.
"Thanks Harry." You say rubbing you little baby bump.
"Well we all want a bit of cake." Said Louis.
"I still think you should eat a salad." Sighed Niall folding his arms.
You laughed.
Soon the waitress came over with your slices of cake.
"Thanks." Said Liam.
Louis passed round all the forks.
"This looks so good." You said and started to stuff you mouth.
Niall laughed. "To y/n and the babies." He said holding up his cup of coffee.
"To y/n and the babies!" Everyone repeated holding up their mugs of tea or coffee.

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