Why, oh Why, did you send me here?! (Another Naruto fan fic)

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Chapter 1

This is it! My mum is dead in front of me; her last words were to go to the Leaf village. But, I didn’t want to! The Sand Village is my home! Sure, I was born in the Leaf, but my friends and the people I care about are here! It’s not fair!

I started to shake, and one of the ninja’s who was beside me gripped my shoulder and leaned down to my ear.

“You should leave, if she wants you there. And Konoha will welcome you,” he whispered. I looked up at him, and I saw that it was Baki Sensei, a close friend to my mum and I.

I nodded, and I stood up. I walked out of the room, and to my room. My mum had wanted to die in her house. She had argued with them when she got back to the village after her mission.

She was hurt horribly; they said no one could heal her.

I sat down and I looked at the floor. I had to follow her dying wish, I knew I had to. I walked out, and I saw them taking out her body. My eyes watered up again, and I had to close them to stop the tears.

When I had them under control, I walked out the door, and I went towards the Kazekage’s office.

When I had arrived, I knocked on the door.

“Come in!” he called, and I walked in and  bowed.

“Lord Kazekage. My mother just died,” I told him, and I looked up and he nodded.

“I know of it, why do you come here to tell me?” he asked, coldly, and I gulped.

“Her last words were for me to return to Konoha,” I said, and he sighed.

“You will be missed here and Konoha will be gaining a great young ninja to be,” he whispered to me, and I nodded.

I knew who would miss me. Baki, Temari, Kankuro, and maybe Gaara. I knew I’d miss them all.

“I will tell them,” I stated, and he nodded.

“Well, you may only go once we got a ninja from Konoha to come here,” he stated, and then he waved me out.

I bowed before I exited, and I sighed. I really hate that guy. He’s freaky, and has no heart. I was surprised that he’d let me go!

I walked to the Kazekage’s house, and I knocked on the door. The door opened, and there was Temari. She threw her arms around me, and I sobbed into her shoulder. She knew me so well. She was like the sister I never had.

She pulled me to the Lounge room, and she sat us down.

“Shhh shhh, Meo. It’s alright,” Temari said. Then there were two pairs of footsteps coming towards us.

“Oh, crap Meo!” Kankuro said, and he sat next to Temari and I, and he hugged me too. I knew Gaara was there, but he didn’t comfort me. Just like Gaara to do that.

When I stopped crying, and I pulled back, and I rubbed my eyes. Temari, Kankuro and Gaara were ninja’s already. I wasn’t. My mum didn’t want me to become a ninja too young. And, they were older than me after all.

“Guys, it’s worse than just her passing. Her last words were…” I took a deep breath, “for me to go to Konoha,” I whispered, and they gasped. Well, Temari and Kankuro did.

It was silent as we all thought, none of us breaking the silence.

After about five minutes, the one who we never thought would break the silence did.

“You have to fulfil her wish, it was her dying wish,” Gaara stated, and I nodded.

“I know Gaara. But I wanted to tell you guys.” I looked at the ground, and there was sand on it. “How I’m going to miss that. Sand everywhere.”

“Meo, we are going to miss you so much!” Mari stated, hugging me again, and I hugged her back.

“Same here Mari!” I told her, and I looked at the celling, and then at Gaara. “I’ll miss you as well, so don’t think you’re excluded,” I stated, and he didn’t look at me.

“Whatever. I won’t miss you. I only love …“

“I only love myself, blah blah blah! I know Gaa, I know. I so can’t wait when that mean dominator is gone! I am so going to laugh and say I knew you loved more than just yourself. Trust me Gaa, I will. Mark my words!” I yelled, and Mari and Kuro chuckled weakly. I knew they were scared of Gaara, but I had no idea why I wasn’t. I just wasn’t, even though he had almost killed me.  That, however, is a story for another time.

We all talked long into the night, and I saw Gaara look at me a few times.  I knew that meant that he was going to miss me, even if he didn’t know it.

It was one o’clock when the front door opened, and the Kazekage walked in.

When he saw Gaara, he looked away from him quickly, and I felt like slapping him, hard!

“Meochi!” he said my full name, which I hate by the way! “I got a reply from Konoha. They are sending Kakashi Hatake to come and take you,” he stated, and walked away, but then I spoke up.

“When?” I asked, and he looked at me, then at Gaara, and then back at me and glared.

“Two days, depending if there is a sand storm or not.” Then he walked away, and I glared at the spot where he just was.

“Maybe if I just accidently…” I thought.

“Meochi, I know that look!” Mari shouted, sounding disapproving. “Don’t do anything stupid,” she sighed, and I chuckled.

“Can’t keep any promises,” I retorted, and then I yawned.

“You can stay here tonight. I don’t think you want to be all alone in your house,” Mari told me, and I smiled weakly.

“Mari, you’re like a sister to me. But I need time alone, to grieve on my own. So, yeah.” I stood up, and gave Mari and Kuro a hug.

I looked at Gaara, and I put my hand out. He looked at it, and then at me. Then he looked away. I rolled my eyes. I reached to his hand, but his stupid sand got in the way.

I looked at Gaara, and I begged him with my eyes. He didn’t take down his sand. I did a hand sign instead.

“Meo, you wouldn’t!” Mari sounded disbelieving. I chuckled, and then there was a crystal shuriken in my hand.

Gaara looked at it, and he let his sand down, and we shook hands.

“Gaara, keep it, okay?” I said, and I gave him my shuriken, and he took it. “You’ll know if I’m dead or not with that. It will disintegrate if I die.”  He just looked at it strangely. “Bye guys!” I yelled, and I walked out of their house and all of the way home.


This is my new Naruto fan fic! what do you think? good, or not? i like it personally, but that's just me hahaha.

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Why, oh Why, did you send me here?! (Another Naruto fan fic) (ON HOLD!!)Where stories live. Discover now