His voice filled the tiny bathroom.  "Hi Katy Marie Mantell, AKA the most gorgeous girl on the planet! *he chuckles* Well, I'm recording this mainly because you're forcing me to. *Katy shouts 'No I'm not' then she laughs and he does too* Haha, I'm just playin'. Anyways, I thought I'd remind you how much I love you. Yep, it's true. I love you with all my heart, baby girl. That will never change! You're going to always be my girlfriend, and you'll eventually be my wife. I couldn't ask for anyone better because you are the best. After we get married, we're going to get it in and have two children. *Katy and Ben laugh* A boy and a girl, Caleb and Brittney. Well, at least we hope. You say if we get stuck with two boys you're going to scream. Yep, imagine all the mud and dirt over our big mansion of a house. If we get stuck with two girls, I'm going to scream. Especially whenever they both get their periods. Three women in the house will be complaining that they are hungry all week and then they'll be yelling at me then breaking down crying. *Katy laughs and Ben chuckles a bit* But, good memories will be made. Well, this is getting kind of long, so I'll stop now. But I have one more thing to say. Well actually twelve more words. I love you, Katelyn Marie Mantell, and I will forever, and always."

The recording stopped and tears were flowing worse than ever before.  "Ben, you said forever..." I whispered as I cried more.

- End of flashback -

Okay, I think tears are starting to well up in my eyes.  I broke out of Justin's arms and dashed for the bathroom.  I slammed the door shut, turned around, and threw up.

"Katy? Are you alright?!" Justin asked but I ignored him.

My hands shook as I reached for a tissue.  I wiped my mouth and I felt tears escape.  Memory after memory from Ben and I's relationship starting flowing back into my mind.  What made things even worse was that the day after he broke up with me I found him making out with the school's blonde, rich, and skinny slut by the girl's locker room.  He had her pinned up against the wall and he was definitely enjoying it.  Me and him never talked again after the day we broke up.  Not even one text or anything.  When he used to pass me in the hall, regret and sadness filled his eyes.  I couldn't even look at him for over a month after our break up, or else I'd burst out crying again.  And even after that, every time I looked at him it felt like someone stabbed my heart.  I didn't even eat like I normally did for over two months after the break up because I was so depressed.  My doctor even said at one point that I had a slight case of anorexia.  And, I even cut sometimes because I couldn't stand losing Ben.  Yeah, sounds crazy, but that's how much I loved him.

Tears were now flowing down my face like it was that day we broke up again.  I never stopped loving him back then... and to this day I think I still love him...

I opened the bathroom door, and standing in front of me was a very worried Justin.  "Katy what happened?!" he frantically asked me.

"Let me use your phone, please," I tried to say, but it came out in a raspy whisper.

"Why do you-," he began to say, but I interrupted.

"Just let me use it!" I semi-shouted.

He hesitated but pulled his phone out of his pocket.  I still know Ben's number by heart to this day.  I never forgot it.  Hopefully it didn't change or anything.  My stomach was in knots as I typed Ben's number in and hit the "Talk" button.

It rang three times, then someone picked up.  "Hello? Who is this?" Ben's voice filled my ear.  His voice has changed a little, it seems a bit deeper.  The voice I haven't heard for quite a while, and the voice that I missed ever so much.

"H-hi Ben...it's Katy...Katy Mantell..." I said, probably just barely loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh my God... Katy?" he asked, and he seemed very surprised.

I Never Thought It'd Be You {JBLS}Where stories live. Discover now