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Leo and Taurus could NOT seem to make amends if their lives depended on it. Every single decision they made, was Leo giving her opinion and Taurus not having it. Leo likes to help and get her thoughts out, and Taurus likes everything her peculiar way.

I wasn't even there for the choosing of the dresses, and I thought I'd lose my damn mind.

When the choices had been chosen, we headed to a burger joint, then headed home for the night. Somehow, I forget that I can't sleep for most nights.

I'll be anxious to get home and finally sleep, then spend countless hours tossing and turning until I have to try something. Occasionally, I'll resort to alcohol. Most times, I'll study my work or lay awake, making up the dreams I should've had if I could sleep.

I present to you, insomnia, ladies and gentlemen.

The following night was the bachelor party. For most situations, I wouldn't even bother with such things, but Taurus and Virgo refused to have an exceptionally wild night before their wedding, which is the right thing to do.

If someone feels like they must spend their last night "wisely" before being condemned to spending their lives with one person and one person only, they aren't truly ready for marriage.

Virgo was hosting his party at a sports bar, and even that was because of his guests' requests. Virgo wasn't a huge fan of sports.

When I arrived, I was the first person there. I guess that's one of the reason's why I'M the best man. I feel so special, honestly.

"If it isn't Virgo!" I called out in the girliest voice I could manage. He glanced over his shoulder and rolled his eyes.

Scorpio and Aries came in minutes later, Gemini was half an hour late, and Sagittarius never showed.

I loved chatting, but when it came to relationship talk, I just listened. I mainly listened.

"So how does it feel, Virgo?" Gemini asked, taking a swig of his drink.

"Like everything I've ever dreamed of and more. I can't believe it's happening." Debbie downer Virgo replied. He vowed to stay sober.

"Yeah you're a lucky guy," Aries said. "I wish I could propose to Leo."

Scorpio chuckled, "What's stopping you?"

"I don't want to go too fast and lose her. Besides, I'm gonna be in deep shit when she finds out about all the issues I've created lately."

"So why don't you propose now?" Scorpio still didn't see his point. "It'd surely take her mind off of things."

"Yeah, I don't know."

Virgo shrugged, "Think about it. It'd be perfect to do it sometime during the wedding. We could all plan it out."

"Girls love that stuff," Gemini nodded.

"Speaking of what girls like, how about you playing Libra and Cancer at the same time?" Aries asked.

"Oh yeah," Gemini smirked proudly.

Aries combusted into a fiery warrior. "Yeah, not cool." He growled, inches away from Gemini, who stood significantly taller than this little hotshot, and could easily fight him off.

Unbothered Gemini scoffed, "I don't want to lose you over some chicks that make it all too easy for guys like me. It's not like I hooked up with Libra."

"I have this feeling you did, Gem." Scorpio said accusingly, although he hadn't really been involved with the case at all, anyone could see the obvious chemistry.

Zodiac Madness II: Galaxies CollideWhere stories live. Discover now