Chapter 29: MarkDy

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Author's POV
While Jackson and Vanessa were together, Mark and Wendy were walking together. The only things in both of their minds were when they should confess.

Wendy's POV
Is it weird that I can feel Irene's eyes staring daggers at me for not confessing? I can literally feel her breathing down my neck and yelling at me...
Okay 1, 2, 3!

Mark's POV
This is the perfect time to tell her how I feel!

Author's POV
Wendy and Mark talk at the same time.
Wendy: Hey
Mark: Hey
Wendy: I need you to tell you something.
Mark: I need to tell you something.
Mark: You go first.
Wendy: You can go.
Mark: No, you can speak first.
Wendy: No, you should speak first.
After what seemed like a decade, Wendy finally suggested to say it at the same time.
Wendy: I like you!
Mark: I like you!
Wendy: What'd you say? I couldn't hear you correctly.
She did, but she wanted him to repeat those lovely words.
Mark: I'd rather you repeat yours.
Wendy: Fine, I like you...
Mark: And I like you, too.
Wendy: So what do we do now?
Mark: We go home, girlfriend!
Wendy: I see, boyfriend!  Should we tell the others we're dating now?
Mark: Let's walk to your house and tell them.
He then grabs Wendy's hand and intertwined their fingers. All Wendy could do was smile her little heart out.

Walking together, hand in hand, they talk about when they liked each other.
Mark: I liked you ever since the first day of school. I immediately fell for you. It's, like, love at first sight.
Wendy: Really? I think I liked you ever since we went to the park. We should go to the park again!
Mark: It took you that long to like me? And yeah, we should.
Wendy: Hey - I was starting to get to know you!
Mark: I cri everytiem ;-;
Wendy: I really like you a lot now!
Mark: Prove it.
Wendy kissed his hand. Mark shakes his head in disapproval.
Mark: That's not enough.
Wendy kissed his cheek. He still has the same facial expression.
Then, Wendy kissed him again. On the lips. Mark hadn't expected that and Wendy released.
Wendy: Is that enough?
She skipped away and smirked.
Mark ran to catch up to her.
Mark: Wen .... wait .... up!
He said, between breaths.
He looked up at Wendy who seemed to be staring into space.
Wendy: Why is Vanessa with Jackson? And why are they linking arms?
Mark looked forward and saw Jackson.
Mark: Jackson!

Jackson looked to where his name was called. He saw Mark, with Wendy 😏.
Jackson: Come over here! Meet my new girlfriend.
Of course, Vanessa looked over to who Jackson was talking to. She could already feel the awkwardness. Not only had Mark rejected her, Jackson - her boyfriend - is Mark's brother, and Mark is with Wendy - his girlfriend? Yikes.
Mark and Wendy ran up to them.
Wendy: So, Vanessa is your girlfriend?
Mark: Didn't you have a crush on me, Vanessa?
Jackson looked at Vanessa weirdly.
Vanessa: The guy I was crying about was ... Mark.
Mark: You were crying because of me?
Vanessa: But now, I'm totally over him! I only like you, Jackson.
She looked like she was about to cry, while Mark was looking confused, and Wendy was glaring at her.

Jackson faked looking disappointed, so that he could see Vanessa's reaction. He saw tears slowly come out of her eyes and finally came clean.
Jackson: I'm just kidding, Nessa! It's okay, that was before we got together. It's fine, don't worry. Smile!
Vanessa lightly slapped his arm.
Vanessa: You scared me!
Mark: Um, congrats on your relationship?
Jackson: You too! You guys finally got together!
Wendy: If he had just confessed to me sooner!
Mark: Why do guys always have to confess? You could've confessed sooner too!
They both stick out their tongues and it wasn't long before Mark squeezes her.
Jackson: Do you see why I ship them so much?
Vanessa: I definitely see it.
Wendy managed to get out of the tight hug and turned towards Vanessa.
Wendy: Well, since you're dating Jackson now, I don't have to worry about Mark liking you.. Let's be friends?
She said, with her hand sticking out. Vanessa gladly shakes it.

Mark: We still have time. Let's go to the park!
Wendy: Okay!
She grabbed his hand and ran quickly, dragging Mark.

Vanessa: Should we go along?
Jackson: Let them be alone. They'll call us when they want company.

I tried to make this chapter longer. But MarkDy has finally sailed! And we can see what they do in the next chapter at the park! A lot of people have been adding this story to their reading lists and it makes me so happy and motivated to update. I'll try to update as much as I can! Sorry to ruin the happiness going on, but this story is almost coming to an end. Don't worry, I have other MarkDy stories coming up! Keep reading, commenting, and voting! Annyeong! -Kayla

Flipping Into Love [MarkDy] ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora