Chapter 6: Ice Cream

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Author's POV
After cheer practice, Jin caught up to Wendy and asked if she would like to go eat ice cream. She replied, "Can everyone else come?" Jin just wanted alone time with Wendy, but to make her happy, he said yes.

Jin's POV
I can confess to her another day. I have plenty have of time.

Author's POV
Wendy: Thank you, Jin! C'mon guys let's go eat ice cream!! You guys too! *points to Mark's brothers*
Everyone followed Wendy, Mark being on the right of her, Jin on the left, and Vanessa close to Mark.
They reach the ice cream place in no time and began to buy the ice cream. Everyone had their own little groups and they were all having a blast! Who wouldn't like cool, yummy ice cream after a long day at practice? Vanessa kept on flirting with Mark, with the typical playful hitting, hair touching, and winking. Mark didn't mind, really, but all he could think about was Wendy. That's when he ended the conversation with Vanessa and looked for Wendy. As soon as he found her, she was singing about ice cream.
Wendy: Vanilla chocolate with a cherry on top ...... I scream, you scream, gimme that, gimme that ice cream!
Mark: Jalhanda (Well done)!
Wendy: You scared me!
Mark: Mianhae (Sorry)! You have a really nice, Wendy! I could listen to your voice all day.
He said, eye smiling.
Wendy's heart was about to burst.

Wendy's POV
Gwiyeobda (Cute)!
Then I heard Vanessa calling Mark. Supposedly because she didn't know which ice cream flavor to choose.
*cough* *cough* she wants to flirt even more.
"Coming!" he yelled back to Vanessa.
"Mianhae (Sorry), Wendy-ah! Jamkkanman (Wait a minute)!" he told me.
I need to go talk to Irene eonni.

Author's POV
Wendy searched for Irene and when she finally found her, she noticed she was talking to Jr. Wendy smirked. Mark and Wendy weren't the only lovebirds here. She looked around to find her other sister, and sure enough, they were talking to Mark's brothers. Youngjae was a bit lonely, though. He didn't have Eunji this time. Wendy found Jin and called his name and whispered something to him.
Wendy: *in whisper voice* Oppa, go talk to Youngjae. He doesn't have Eunji, so that's why he's so lonely.
Jin: Okay!
Jin talks to Youngjae and Wendy grabs Irene.
Wendy: *to Jr* Mianhae (Sorry), naneun Irene yaegi haeya (I need to talk to Irene).
Jr: Gwaenchanha (It's okay)!

Wendy's POV
"Eonni (big sister), I really hate Vanessa."
Irene: Wae?
"She keeps flirting with Mark.. and I don't like that at all. When I see them together, my heart aches. I only want Mark to myself. I think I like him..."

Irene's POV
"Wendy, you should confess as soon as possible."
Wendy: I know, but I'm too scared.
"Then do simple things. Make him know you like him, but not actually telling him."
Wendy: That's so smart! I'm going to ask him to go to the park with me tomorrow!
"Okay, Wendy! Good luck!"
Wendy left and I had so many plans in my head that I need to discuss with my other sisters. While Wendy is out tomorrow with Mark, I'll have a meeting with my sisters and Mark's brothers. Hehe, evil sisters 😏. Plus, I'll get more time with Jr!

Author's POV
Wendy searches for Mark and yells out his name.
Wendy: Mark! Let's go to the park tomorrow!
Mark: Jinjja (Really)?! Okay!
It was starting to get late and soon everyone left. With a good memory, of course. Mark and his brothers walked Wendy and her sisters home. They said their goodbyes and left. Jin texted Wendy and with that, they all slept.

The next chapter will consist of The Park 2. Keep commenting, reading, and voting! Oh yeah -- thanks so much for 100 reads! Annyeong! -Kayla

Flipping Into Love [MarkDy] ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz