Chapter 3: Jin

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Wendy's POV
"Wendy," the guy said.
Is that Jin?

Mark's POV
Who's that? Don't tell me he's her boyfriend.

Jin's POV
"Annyeong (Hello), Wendy! Did you miss me?" I asked.
"Oppa!" Wendy replied. She gave me a very tight hug.
"What are you doing here?" asked Wendy.
"I'm staying in America for a month," I replied.
"Jinjja (Really)? Yay! Let's talk later okay, oppa? Meet me after school!" Wendy said, quickly running away to a guy.

Author's POV
While Wendy was running, her other sisters started staring at Jin.
"Oppa, you're not going to greet us?" asked Irene.
"The bias is real," Seulgi said, disappointed.
"Notice me, senpai," Joy adding on.
"Oppa, baegopa (I'm hungry)~" Yeri said, with some aegyo.
"I haven't forgotten you guys!" Jin replied, scared that they despise him now.
"Let's go to Starbucks after school," Jin adding on.
"Okay!" the sisters said in unison.
"Will Eunji be there?" asked Seulgi.
"Of course! She misses you guys a lot!" he answered.
Meanwhile, Mark's brothers were eavesdropping to their conversation.

Mark's POV
I can't stand seeing Wendy talking to her boyfriend.

Wendy's POV
"Mark, wait up!" I yelled.
He turned his head towards me, looking very sad.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing," he replied, still looking sad.
"Would you like to go the park sometime?" I asked.
"Jinjja? Eonje? (Really? When?), he replied, face lighting up with an adorable smile.
His smile ...
"Hmmm, Jin is probably going to meet up with me somewhere today. I'm sure I have time this evening," I responded.
He had that sad face again.
"Is that guy your boyfriend?" he asked, pointing to Jin.
"Jin? Ani (No)," I replied.
His face lit up again.
Gosh, why is he so cute?

Mark's POV
"Can we go to the park @ around 5?" I asked.
"Sure!" she replied with her breathtaking smile.
"We can exchange numbers after school," she said.
She wants my number? Eomeo! (Oh my)
"Okay!" I exclaimed.
"I forgot to tell you! Since you're on the cheer team now, you need to go to cheer practice. Every Tuesday & Thursday at 3:30!" she said quickly.
"Alright! Cya at the park!" I yelled.

-after school-

Author's POV
Mark and Wendy exchanged numbers and Wendy ran towards Jin. She was pleasantly surprised to see her sisters and Eunji. She ran towards her and gave her a huge hug, practically squishing her.

Wendy's POV
Eunji!! I haven't seen her in such a long time.
"Eonni (big sister), that hurts!" she exclaimed.
"Mianhae (Sorry)," I replied.

Jin's POV
"Let's go to Starbucks! Gaja (Let's go!) I said.
They all followed me to Starbucks.

Author's POV
Little did they know, Mark's brothers were about to follow them.
JB: We can't let Seulgi go in there with him!
Jr: What about Irene?
Bambam: I don't want Yeri to go in there either.
Yugyeom: Joy should be there with me!
Jackson: Guys, what about Mark? Wendy seems really close with that guy.
Youngjae: Who's that other girl with him? I don't think she's one of Wendy's sisters. She certainly doesn't go to our school.
Jackson: I guess we have to go in there to find out. Hehehe 😁
They found Mark and dragged him along with them.

Mark's POV
"Hey, you know, I'd appreciate it if you removed your grip, as it is extremely painful," I said.
"Oops, sorry!" he replied.
"Where are we going anyways?" I asked.
"Starbucks!" JB answered.

Author's POV
Once Jin and the other girls reached Starbucks, Mark and his brothers came in shortly after.
Jin ordered for the girls and Mark and his brothers followed the girls. They chose seats near them.
After the drinks and snacks were done, Eunji decided to get the orders. As she walks back, she steps on her own shoelace and someone catches her. Youngjae.

Eunji's POV
I was just walking with the orders and stepped on my own shoelace!
Pabo (Idiot)! Aish (Dang)!
But luckily, a nice guy caught me before I fell.
His eyes ...

Youngjae's POV
I was just minding my own business until I saw a girl about to fall. She looked very familiar! Ah, the girl with Wendy's sisters! I quickly caught her just in time.
She's really pretty ...
"Gwaenchanha? (Are you okay) I asked.
"Ne (Yes) gomabseubnida (Thank you!)" she replied.
"Be careful next time. I won't always be able to catch you," I said, chuckling.
Giggling, she said "I will!"

Author's POV
Wendy: Eunji, are you okay?
Eunji: Yes, better than ever!
Jin: Are you sure?
Eunji: Mhm
Irene: Why are you so happy?
Seulgi: Was it because of that guy?
Joy: Does she have a crush??
Yeri: Who's the lucky guy?
Eunji points towards Youngjae and the sisters quickly recognize them!
Seulgi: Eomeo (Oh my!) They go to our school!
Wendy: Jinjja (Really?)
She instantly saw Mark.
Wendy: Mark!
Mark looks to where his name was called. He saw Wendy.
Mark: Annyeong (Hi!)
His brothers look to where he was looking at. They see all their crushes and that guy.
Wendy: This is such a perfect timing! Mark and your brothers, meet: Irene, Seulgi, Joy, Yeri, Eunji, and Jin.
Mark: Wendy and your sisters, meet: JB, Jackson, Jr, Youngjae, Bambam, and Yugyeom.
Irene: Annyeong, Jr. Would you like to drink something with me?
Jr: Sure, he said, while blushing.
Seulgi: We meet again, JB and Jackson! Let's sit somewhere and catch up!
JB & Jackson: Okay!
Joy: Haiii~, Yugyeom!
Yugyeom: A-Annyeong!
Yeri: Chingu (Friend!) Let's play a game!
Bambam: Tag, you're it!
Eunji: Thank you for catching me earlier!
Youngjae: It's no problem! Let's sit down and chat.
While Irene and Jr drank Vanilla Bean, Seulgi was talking to JB and Jackson, Joy and Yugyeom were standing and talking, Yeri was trying to tag Bambam, and Eunji was sitting and chatting with Youngjae.
That leaves you with Wendy and Mark.
Wendy: So what are you doing here?
Mark: My brothers took me here. They seem to be quite fond of your sisters.
Wendy: My sisters seem fond of your brothers. All of them look good as a couple, huh?
Mark: Indeed.
Wendy: We should go to the park!!
Mark: Oh yeah! Let's say bye to our siblings and friends!
Wendy: Hey guys, Mark and I will be going to the park. I'll come home once I'm done. Annyeong (Bye)!
While Mark and Wendy walked out of Starbucks, Jin decided to talk to Eunji and Youngjae.
Jin: Thank you for catching my little sister!
Youngjae: I'm glad I did a good deed today. Even better that it was because of her.

To be continued ...
Did you guys like this chapter? Sorry for all the updates, I just really felt like continuing the story. The GotVelvet ships appear a lot here and there will be more. What will happen when Mark and Wendy go to the park? As always, please keep reading, commenting, and voting! Thank you! Annyeong! -Kayla

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