Love of a Faerie Ch. 2

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Another chapter!!! I worked on this for over three hours! Ahhh, my back hurts. Two chapters in one dayy. I better get alotta votes and comments for my hard work! x] enjoyyyyy~

When I walked into the house, I sensed a tense atmosphere. A maid ushered me to my pater's office. Usually, my pater's door is open. Welcoming anyone to wanted to talk to him. Usually, you could see my pater's desk, and then my pater bent over his desk, working on Faerie matters.

Today, he and Mater was sitting on the couch, with the Rex Regis sitting across from him. As soon as I entered, they both looked up, and bid me to sit. I walked over to them primly, and greeted Rex Regis with the formal Faerie greeting.

"Joyful meeting Rex Regis, How is your affinities?"

Rex Regis responded with a warm smile, "Joyful meeting Elae. My affinities are well, thank you for inquiring."

I took a seat next to Pater and Mater on the couch, and waited for them to speak. Mater was the one who took the initiative. "I expect Noal informed you that we are sending you on an assignment?"

"Yes, Mater. Would this be my coming-of-age ritual?"

This time, Pater responded. "Yes, that would be it. As you know, when every Faerie reaches the appropriate age based on their abilities, they receive a mission to test their affinities. If they succeed, they become a full-fledged faerie. And since Rex Regis has no children, you are the next-in-line for the throne. If you accomplish your task, then you receive the throne."

"I understand, Pater. So, what will my assignment be? Will I venture to the dark woods beyond and survive for a week? Will I test my affinities with all the Faerie lands?"

Rex Regis was the one who answered with a grim shake of his head. "No, Elae. You will be going to the human world. You're going to save a human." Without another word, he pulled a scroll out.

"Recently, we received a desperate cry for help from a human. It shocked us, seeing as humans should not know about the Faeries. When we opened it, a grandmother, whose grandson is sick with an unknown disease, wrote it. She requested the most powerful faerie to save her grandson, and let him live. Seeing as I have to stay here to protect and help Flos Caeli, you will be going. Your powers are immense, as you should already know."

I was honestly shocked, completely shocked. No faerie ever got an assignment involving the human world! We could get killed there!

Rex Regis continued, "You'll be leaving tomorrow, and Noal will accompany you to protect you. As the Faeries know you, you must return to us, Regis Filia."

Mater and Pater dismissed me to start packing, and I left feeling very, extremely confused and scared. I trudged back up to my room, where Noal met me with an anxious face.

"Elae! Are you scared? It's okay, I'll be with you. Don't worry!" Apparently, he had been told what my assignment was.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Can I just have some time alone?"

"Of course. Take your time, but start packing okay?"

As soon as Noal left, I let out a cry, and flopped down on my bed. Wow.

The next morning, I was awoken by Noal. He gently pulled me out of bed, and told me to get dressed. While I was sleeping, he took the liberty to pack for me. He knew exactly what I would want, and got them.

At breakfast, nobody was happy. Mater and Pater greeted me with a forced smile, and that was it. The maids all gave me pitiful looks as they served me my juice, fruit salad, and warm banana nut bread.

After breakfast, Noal and I was taken to the palace of Rex Regis. He looked sadly at me, and bade me into his office. I asked him, "How do I get to the human realm?" Rex Regis answered us by leading me to a mirror. "Great, a mirror huh? Thanks, really. I appreciate looking at myself right before my possible death." I snapped sarcastically. Rex Regis just laughed, and told me to "look closer." I focused my affinities, and look into the mirror.

Love of a FaerieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ