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"Hey, I'm Matthew, but you can call me Matt for short. That's if you want to.

"Hello Matt. Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, I didn't get to meet you earlier, but how do you like here so far."

"It's honestly beautiful. I like it here," I give him a genuine smile.

"Well, I just wanted to introduce myself to you. Catch you later."

He turns on his heels and walks out, his phone nearly slipping from his hand.

I knock on Demetri's door.

"Ello, what's up?" She opens the door.

"May I borrow something to wear?" I ask politely.

"Sweats or skinny jeans and a tank?"

"Sweats will be nice."

She invites me inside and I sit on the edge of the bed awkwardly. After about two minutes of waiting, she comes with regular black sweats, a tank top, a bra, and underwear.

I quietly thank her as I leave the room.

I go in the shower to scrub off the dirt from the past nights. When I'm sure all the dirt is off, I begin washing my hair. Finally finding a towel under the sink cabinet, I instantly dry myself.

I put on my clothes leaving my wet brown hair to air dry. I check to see if my white pearls are in my ears.

I make sure to lotion up my body. I always make sure to put lotion on my feet. I never know if Rebecca will try to take my shoes off.

I really need to buy me a phone and some clothes.

I walk out the room and see Rebecca feeling the walls. I shake the thought that was forming in my head.

"Fresh and clean?" she asks, walking towards me.

"Yep," I reply while running a hand through my wet hair.

We walk downstairs and we wait by the front door.

"You know we have a living room, right?" Royal walks towards us.

"Yes, we know," Rebecca answers.


Next thing you know, Royal dissapears, with a slight wind passing. I lean my back against the front the door. Well that wasn't a smart choice because the door opens, shoving me to the ground.

"Yeah, ouch."

"Oh, sorry sis. Word of advice, don't sit in front of the door," Asher apologizes.

"I'll keep that in mind," I say while I stand up.

"Well, follow me to my car."

We walk to my brother's white Mercedes Benz. I'm actually getting really annoyed with all the little, tiny gravel. A couple gets into my shoe.

As we're walking, we're passing a whole bunch of expensive cars and motorcycles. I kind of got the memo that this pack is filthy rich. Honestly, I don't know how packs become rich. You're not freaking working. So how is that money coming in?

I fall to the ground. A scrutinizing pain in my stomach. It feels like being stabbed with a million thousand knives. One by one, slow and steady-- screaming nonstop.

I know what's happening. I just don't want to admit it. It never occurred to me that it would come to this point.

Instead of having sex, he mates with her. I would rather feel pain everyday, than this. I don't have to think twice to know it's Melissa.

Drake's yelling at my brother, asking him what to do. There's nothing you can do, to help someone, if their mate mated with someone else.

I scream louder with every minute that passes. I hear voices around me. I can't place whose voice is whose.

My vision is getting blurry and everything is going in circles. I want to scream some more, but I can't. My eyes begin shutting and with all the energy I have left in my system I try to keep them open. It's no use. My eyes shut, finally taking me to a deep dark place.

All I see is a woman dressed in all white. It's very dark in this place.

"Hello Brooklyn," the lady smiles.

"What? Where am I?"

"We're in your mind. You passed out from the pain. I'm the moon goddess, Aphasia. I have to tell you something important. You're very sp-"

Her voice starts fading away.

"Wait! I can't hear you..."


REBECCA'S P.O.V~ I'm waiting for Brooklyn to be okay. It's been three days and she hasn't woken up yet. I've been checking up on her at least every 3 hour. I want her to wake up, I want her to be okay. She's my best friend and I can't stand to see her in so much pain. I wish I can understand how she feels.

She better wake up. I can't lose her, not now... not ever.

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