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I'm back with another late AkaKuro Week contribution! Have fun reading~

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke. Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sensei owns it. The only thing I own is this story.

I do not own the cover photo either. Credits go to their respective owners.

Warning: Grammatical errors, unbetaed.


Akashi Seijuurou has everything thoroughly prepared.

The dinner was already set, the utensils neatly arranged, a single red candle lighting up the whole table.

The redhead also scattered red rose petals from the stairs of their shared apartment, leading to the master's bedroom. On the bed were also red petals with bowls of scented candles which emit a calming fragrance inside the room.

Call it being overly dramatic and romantic, but Akashi wanted everything to be flawless– or impeccable, for the better choice of words.

The only thing– or person, rather– missing was his lover, the 25-year old bluenette, Kuroko Tetsuya.

I never thought you had it in you to be this... banal. A voice within Akashi's mind spoke, and the redhead knew that the owner of the voice just shook his head with a sigh.

Banal, eh? I only want the very best for my Tetsuya. Akashi inwardly replied with a candid chuckle.

He's also MY Tetsuya, just in case you're forgetting. The redhead's other persona challenged with a glare.

I confessed first, so he's mine first. Maybe, Akashi was being childish, fighting against his own consciousness, but he doesn't want to lose... even to his other self.

And I took his first kiss. The other Akashi replied with a victorious smirk.

Well, I took his first time in bed, though. With an equally smug smile, Akashi internally answered.

The other Akashi gritted his teeth and was about to make a rebuttal, but the two's quiet squabble was put into a stop when they heard the front door open.

We'll continue this later. Akashi told his other self as he made his way to the genkan.

The shared apartment was located on the penthouse of one of the tallest buildings in Tokyo. The interior was styled traditionally, which brings about a homey feeling, much to the redhead and his lover's liking.

"Welcome home, Tetsuya," Akashi greeted with a smile when he saw his lover, who was removing his outdoor shoes.

Kuroko's hair was unkempt, as usual, as if a tornado had just went past the teal tousle.

One time, Akashi requested for Kuroko to not cut his hair, because the redhead thought that long hair would, definitely, look good on the bluenette. Kuroko objected, at first, but, in the end, did as Akashi asked. The bluenette was actually delighted, because the redhead rarely asks him of things. His hair was now reaching an inch or two below his shoulders. With his occupation being a kindergarten teacher, his hair wasn't that much of a concern. He ties it with a rubber band to keep it in place during working hours. Sometimes, Akashi would tease him and braid it, much to his embarrassment.

"Seijuurou-kun?" Kuroko visibly wondered. "I'm home..." He quietly replied, a hint of surprise still on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"What's with that question, my love?" Akashi chuckled. Oh, how adorable his bluenette lover truly has become. "Isn't this also my house?"

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