

The next morning I had clothes waiting for Carney. Later I have a meeting with my father. But I was given a tip from one of my father's men that my mother is going to have me watched. So it's time to put on a little show. The plan; take her out, take her shopping, go out to eat. Perfect, that's what people do when they date? Yeah, I'm positive.

"Well, you beat me to breakfast this morning." Carney said with a smile. I
smiled back at her. I have excellent taste as usual. Her clothes were hand picked by me so of course it was perfect. Short shorts, tank top, and a cardigan. But the best part are the shorts.

"Good morning petardo." I say as I watch her make her way to her seat. Then her beautiful legs where out of my sight.

"Morning. So why this cute outfit?" Carney asked as she narrowed her eyes. Awe, if only she knew how much that turns me on.

"We're going out shopping, anything you want today." I say as I sip my coffee.

"What's the catch?"

"No catch. If you want to wear the same thing that's fine with me." I said and Carney rolled her eyes. This girl again, I guess her lesson last time wasn't enough.

"Why do I find it so hard to believe you?"

"Well, to be honest I haven't really given you a reason to trust me." I finished and stood up, I have yet to put on any clothes.

"You have a point..."

"I'm going to get ready, the car is out front." I said then walked out of the dining room.



"You're really going to let me have all this crap? I literally picked up anything, I didn't even bother to look at the size." I said while gesturing to the pile of clothes, Dante huffed.

"I told you to buy whatever you want. Now do you want these things or not?" He said looking over at the sales clerk.

"Wait!" I said and they both stood there.

"What?" Dante asked.

"I'd like to try these on first... Before you buy them Dante."

"Alright, it's your day." Dante said as he sat down on the cushioned sofa. I noticed the sales clerk swoon but caught herself when she looked at me.

I don't mine. You can have him.

"I'll be right back." I grab some clothes and head towards the changing room. Great the first outfit was a dress. I slipped on the dress then attempted to zip it up. When I was finally done I looked for the mirror. Why is it not in here?

"Are you okay petardo?" Dante's voice came from the other side. He was directly behind the curtain.

"This changing room doesn't have a mirror." I said and Dante's deep chuckle responded back to me.

"That's because this whole area is the changing room, the mirrors are out here... Come out and let me see you petardo." I instantly freeze, looking down at my outfit. It was a right short dress that stopped mid thigh. I know he is going to say something about this.

"Uh.... I think I'm good, it looks good."

"Stop playing around petardo." Dante opened the curtain and I kept looking down. This is probably the tightest thing I've ever had on my body other than my compression shorts for volleyball back in high school. Dante's eyes raked over my body, instantly my insecurities kicked in. I know I barely have a body, just a tall lengthy pole. Small breast and I barely have a ass. All reasons that my relationships never lasted long. I would usually become "too skinny" for them. Just made up reason to break up with me. That's why I stick to baggy clothes. It makes me feel better... Safer from rude and cruel judgment. And the fact that bigger clothes are life!

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