The Students who Took Out the Kishin

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3rd Person POV

Soul, Maka and Crona were chatting together near the punch bowl. Maka watched her friend smile and giggle sweetly. Maka was glad to see Crona so happy now. 

"Soul, Maka, please come onstage," said Stein. "Huh? What for, Dr Stein?" asked Maka. "You and the others are going to be honoured for your efforts in defeating the Kishin. Come on. You're supposed to be ready in eight minutes," replied their teacher. Confused, the pair rushed to the stage.

In exactly eight minutes, Maka, Soul, Kid, Liz, Patty, Black Star, Tsubaki and Crona were all gathered onstage. Death clapped his hands and exclaimed," Wassup! Wassup! We are gathered here today to celebrate the defeat of the kishin!" The group sweatdropped at their principal's usual goofy antics. These are the students that helped take down the kishin . Of course, I would like to thank you all for bravely fighting to save the world from madness but these students truly deserve our gratitude for taking on the kishin by themselves. Maka, please say a few words about your victory." 

"Me?" thought Maka in shock. Death pushed her forward towards the mike.

"Uh...Good evening, everyone," she began. Students began whispering among themselves. "Isn't she Deathscythe's daughter?" "The one who defeated the Asura with a single punch?" Maka shuffled uncomfortably in her place. She turned to look at her friends who were all smiling encouragingly at her. Soul nodded, his eyes telling her to go give her speech. Maka turned back to face the audience and said," I know that I am credited with taking down the kishin on my own but the truth is, I couldn't have done it without..."

"ME! THE MIGHTY BLACK STAR!" yelled the blue-haired ninja, grabbing the mike. Soul grabbed his shoulder, telling him to stop it. Black Star turned his back on Soul. "So, this is it, huh? You're taking someone else's side?" he said. "Black Star..." said Soul. "but we can still be friends, right?" "Baka! Of course we can still be friends!" said Black Star. "Soul!" he shouted, running towards his albino friend. "Black Star!" said Soul, running towards him too. "Soul!" "Black Star!" "Soul!" "Black Star!" They hugged in the middle of the stage. "SHINIGAMI CHOP!" "MAKA CHOP!" "Bang!" The two idiotic friends were shinigami chopped, Maka chopped and shot by Kid at the same time. "Oops. Sorry. My finger slipped," said Kid. 

"Alright, everyone! Sorry for the disturbance! Please just go back to enjoying the night!" announced Death. After a few moments, everyone started to recover from becoming witnesses of Soul and Black Star's idiocy and went back to chatting and dancing. They were all so absorbed in enjoying the party that nobody noticed a young girl slip away quietly from the room. Nobody except for a certain young reaper.

Life in Soul Eater (an X Reader fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora