Death the Kid (Part 1)

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Reader's POV

Kid and I trained almost everyday afternoon after school. We were supervised by Stein. Although my skills were improving, I had not gotten that strange soul resonance since that day we went shopping. "Okay. That's enough for today," said Stein. 

Just then, the school doors burst open and a stream of younger kids rushed out. They were crowding around a certain samurai who was carrying a little girl on his shoulder. "Hello, Mifune-sensei!" I called. "Good afternoon, (y/n)," he replied, handing out candy to the kids hopping excitedly around him. Angela, the little witch sitting on his shoulder waved cheerfully to me. I had heard about Mifune, the samurai who had a soft spot for children and was defeated by Black Star. I was glad that he had decided to turn away from Arachnophobia and come to teach at Shibusen. He sure looked happy, especially because he became the teacher of the younger kids. 

"I'm going to meet up with Soul after this. How about you?" I asked Kid. "We have another mission," he replied. "Wow. You sure seem busy with those missions these days," I said. "Yeah. I should be back by tonight," he said. He took out his skateboard, got on it and left with Liz and Patty. I smiled, watching his retreating back. He's been really nice to me ever since my first day at the DMWA. We often hang out at his (symmetrical) mansion with Liz and Patty, who kept talking to me about giraffes. 

After a few minutes of walking, I reached the piano shop where Soul was waiting for me. "Yo," he greeted. We went through our piano session like usual. My playing was improving slowly but steadily. "Soul," I said. "Why don't you ever play in front of me? I think it would help if you showed me how to play this song." Soul shrugged. "I don't like playing for people." I cocked my head. "Really? How bout Maka?" I said. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, hands in his pockets and eyes darting to the left. "Don't lie. I heard you playing for her once after I left," I said. "You sure seem loyal to her. You two make a great pair. Plus, you're a really good weapon, Soul. Just look at all the partner requests you get everyday. Maka sure is lucky to have a great weapon like you," I said. Just then, the door to the shop opened. "Sorry to interrupt. It's time to go home, Soul," said Maka. I smirked and walked out the door, patting Maka's shoulder as I passed her. "I'll be leaving you two alone then," I said mischievously. "What was that all about?" asked Maka. Soul shrugged and left the shop with his partner.

Soul POV

Maka and I walked home together. The sun was setting and out shadows stretched down the path we were walking on. She laughed and smiled at me, cheerfully walking with a little bounce in her step. I looked at the ground. What (y/n) had said about Maka and I...was it that obvious? "Soul, you okay?" said Maka, breaking my train of thoughts. I grinned and told her that I was fine. As I watched Maka flash a relieved smile and continue chatting with me, I realised that what everyone seemed to think-the students, the other female meisters who send me partner requests, (y/n)-was wrong. Maka isn't lucky to have such a great weapon like me, I'm the one who is lucky to have such a moody, book-wielding, cool and courageous partner like Maka.

Author's Note: Please comment. I know there wasn't much Death the Kid in this chapter but there will be more of him in Part 2. Thank you for reading.

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