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~Le Timeskip~ Spongebob voice: 7 hours later...  Death the Kid: NO!! MAKE IT 8!!!!!

Kid stood before his father in the Death Room. "Wassup! Wassup!" his dad exclaimed in his usual goofy voice. "Good morning, Chichiue," Kid replied. "Hmm...this is about that girl you found last night, isn't it?", said his father. "She can stay with us until she gets better. Then, we should find her parents. If she does not have any family, she can stay here at the DMWA. She is a weapon, right?" Kid nodded. "We'll go check on her now," said Kid. "Hai!" sang Patty.

The girl opened her eyes, groaning. "Oh, you're finally awake," said a warm voice. A pair of icy blue eyes looked down at her. The speaker's face was mostly covered in bandages and she was wearing a nurse outfit. After helping the girl sit up, the mummy/nurse lady introduced herself as Nygus. "Don't worry. You'll be safe here at Shibusen," she said. "What? How did I get in Shibusen?" the girl thought. She looked out of the window to see Death City laid out before her. "Yep, this is definitely Shibusen. It's the only place you can get this kind of view," she thought.

The door to the dispensary opened. A boy about the girl's age with three white stripes on one side of his hair and two girls wearing matching outfits walked in. "Oh, Kid. It's you. She's awake now but she should rest for the day," said Nygus. She turned to her patient and said," This is Death's son, Death the Kid. He's the one who saved you last night," "Call me Kid. These are my weapon partners Liz and Patty," he said. "What's your name?" She hesitated and stuttered, "Oh, I'm...I'm (l/n)(y/n). Thank you for helping me." Kid said," Well, get well soon, (y/n). Tomorrow we will have to take you to see my father." They left the room. One of the girls who had short blonde hair waved goodbye.

That night, (y/n) lay in bed, thinking about her day. "Shibusen...huh?"

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