I was woken up some time later, by somebody shaking my body.
“What?” I asked, my sound cracking but still sounding pissed.
“What have you done?” Jack asked, tears in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” I asked, still confused.
“You know exactly what I mean” he replied, a tear falling down.
“Jack, if I knew I'd tell you” I answered, sitting up.

“Jay, what the fuck” he whisper yelled. Just then I realized that my cuts haven't been dry when I lied down.
“Shit” I mumbled, looking at the blood stains on the sheets.
“Shit? No! This is fucking horrible!” he replied, walking up and down the room.
“Jack calm the fuck down, it's not that bad” I said, standing up and walking into the bathroom to wash my hands.
“Not that bad? Excuse me, but you're fucking cutting!” He nearly yelled.
“Jack! Stay silent! And yes I did, so what?” I asked, not understanding the fuss of it.
“My heart stopped beating when I saw you not moving and all the blood on the fucking bed” he explained, looking hurt. “It fucking hurts”
“Oh really? Well it also fucking hurt when you were ignoring me just because I was being careful Jack!” I fought back.
“I was just holding your fucking hand!” he replied. I huffed and grabbed my phone, going on tumblr. I searched the All Time Low tag, before finding the post from earlier.

'Okay, so I don't want to jump to conclusions, but Jay (the new merch girl) seems to be pretty lost every time somebody mentions Jack. Not saying they are together, but it's kinda obvious... Isn't it?'
'Oh c'mon, I actually think it's really weird that they took Alice along? I was at the concert, and they didn't even looked like friends LOL! Like, why do they have to act like they're friends, and then there is the question, why is she on tour ;)'
'Oh and guys, I asked them if they knew who Jack's gf is, and they answered it was Jay, but tbh they sounded pretty sarcastic so idk, but thought you'd need to know'
Jack read through it, before handing me my phone back, looking at the ground.
“Nothing to say?” I asked. He still looked to the ground and I rolled my eyes, walking past him. But just as I was to lie down, he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back, hugging me tight. I tried to get out of the hug, but he just tightened me, and I sighed after a while deciding not to fight back.
“I'm so sorry” he mumbled against my hair. I just huffed and rolled my eyes. “No really, I am, I didn't think that far...” he said, pulling away and looking into my eyes.
“Jack” I sighed, I was about to argue again, but before I could say anything else, he crashed his lips on my, making me nearly fall over. I soon closed my eyes and replied the kiss. After a few moments he pulled away, stroking my cheeks.
“I really am sorry” he whispered, kissing me all over my face. I smiled hugged him again.
“Sorry for being a bitch” I laughed quietly. He once again, pulled again and looked at me.
“No, you don't have to be... Seriously I'm so freaking sorry... Jay?” He asked, after a short moment of silence.
“Hm?” I asked, looking at him.
“Promise me to never cut again” he whispered.
“If you promise me not to tell Alice” I replied, taking his hands in mine. Suddenly he froze and started shifting.
“Y-yeah I w-won't tell her...” he stuttered, making my eyes go wide.
“You already did, didn't you?” I asked, my voice not louder than a whisper.
“Listen, I was just worried and didn't know what to do, I called Alice as soon as I saw the blood and she told me to wake you up and then just I'm so sorry but I was in panic” he rambled.
“Fuck” I muttered “No, don't worry, you just wanted the best, don't blame yourself or anything, it's fine...” I replied.
He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me softly.
“Everything will be okay” he whispered, and I swear in that fucking moment, I actually believed it.
We cuddled up in bed shortly after, and soon both fell asleep.

next morning

We had to wake up early, at around 7am to get ready for the tour. I sighed and stood up, starting to put everything back into my suitcase, before taking out some blue skinnies, along with one of Jack's Boner shirts. I put both on, brushing my teeth and hair, and putting on my glasses. I didn't bother to put in my contacts, since I would for sure sleep on the bus.
I looked down at my fresh cuts and thought about how to cover them. Make up would burn and wouldn't cover them enough. I sighed and grabbed some bracelets, putting them on and then also a sweatshirt. I looked into the mirror and put my hair into a high pony tail. By the time I finished, Jack was already up and ready to go. I pecked his lips, neither of us said anything, we were both still really tired. My phone buzzed off and I got it, looking at the messages.

5minutes to go guys! Matt x

I smiled and took Jack's hand in mine, walking towards the lifts, and going down. We arrived in time and, what for a surprise earlier than Alex.
As we joined the group, I could feel Alice's glare on me, but I didn't dare to look up at her. I knew she was giving me the death stare, and would probably freak out if I'd smile at her. A couple of minutes later, Alex joined and we all got onto the tour bus. We'd drive with two buses, one for All Time Low and crew, and the other for The summer set. We hugged the guys from TSS good bye and got onto the bus. Matt gave us the plans of where we'd be sleeping and went through all the rules, making the boys groan, and me and Alice chuckle.

The boys started to walk around in the bus, and in the next moment Alice and I were alone in the back lounge. Oh shit.
I thought about what to do, and tried to stand up and walk out, but Alice was faster and stood at the door way, giving me a mad look. I looked sorry at her and she nodded towards the sofa, making me sigh and sit down.
“Don't be mad” I said to myself, but Alice probably heard it.
“How the fuck can I not be mad? You fucking PROMISED” she raised her voice in the end.
I've fucked up.

A/N: hello everybody!!
Todays author note is a bit different! So, first off, how are you guys? I hope you had a good day? Leave me a comment below! I want to know how you precious people feel like!
Also, my usual thanks to everybody who's reading this and actually likes the story! You are the reason I keep on writing <3
Also, I want Alex to find his 'mate' now, and I don't know how to call her, or how she should look like, so if YOU want to be Alex' mate, leave me a comment below, and just tell me what your favourite song by ATL is! (I know it's weird but seriously, I need to know who's interested :) )
I hope you guys enjoy this story! Love you all sooo much


It was like a time bomb ~ A Jack Barakat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now